
Huh. A racist cop. What are the odds?

It’s even better when you have terminal cancer. Or maybe some people just have no class, or something.

Gin is a hell of a drug.

She looks 58. She’s a whole lot younger than that fucking tired ass “no fucks to give” dumbshit bullshit nonsense.

Huh. Apparently your fellow Jebusites think it’s the shiznit.

Or they just like stringing random shit together, in the apparently well-founded perception that some people will believe anything.

You go, gurl. See you in homeroom tomorrow.

Now that is good Kinja.

Anna What’sit-I-Forgot-Her-Name for the win.

I bet I’d feel like Aeschines, after Demosthenes was through with him. (How’s that for a deep cut?)

I know I’m really late to the game on this post. I grew up in the 60s and 70s and saw Ali (and Cosell — both GOAT). That image of him exulting over Liston is one of the great photos of all time. It was used, in a genius move, as the cover of a translation of the Iliad. Nothing, to me, a classicist who reads Homer in

Lol. Ali was the laziest dude in training camp.

Using identical logic, I would destroy McG in a real fight, in which I wield a 2x4. You’re a moron.

Well, that was idiotic. Yo, dipshit, ever hear what people call boxing matches? Friday Night Something Something? Typical MMA retard.

Lol. Watch him train, knucklehead. You realize this is not MMA, right? His punches arrive by mail with a huge blinking sign on them. He can’t hook Mayweather behind the leg and sit on his face, you know.

Never has a bigger crock of shit been so ably defended. McGregor has never stepped into a boxing ring and he is fighting one of the greatest boxers of all time. Give me a break.

That’s not the joke. Irony, brah.

There has never been a safer bet in the history of betting — other than betting that I have a boner in my pants, right now.

One got the idea, watching, that Toney did not prepare for that fight at all. He could have at least sparred with somebody using MMA techniques, to develop a basic way of countering them, if not engaging in them himself.

Tell it like it is, broheim. Pass me another PBR while you’re up.