I remember him throwing a strike from deep right field to home plate to get a guy tagging up from third. More than once. A monster.
I remember him throwing a strike from deep right field to home plate to get a guy tagging up from third. More than once. A monster.
A-Rod. Proof that talent can sometimes get you fucking nowhere.
You mean, like making a speech to the Boy Scouts about yourself and your political enemies (and which women you want to bone)? Get the hell over yourself.
Sparky Anderson would have charged out of the dugout, spun his cap backwards on his head, put his face millimeters from the umpire’s, and screamed spit into his face while kicking dirt on his shoes. Good times.
Or: stare at the stove as if you were going to take its picture. Now: are all the dials in the “off” position? You’re good to go!
May this asshole get his dick bitten off.
Many Germans have this name as well. I work with some.
Could be German.
She’ll probably change parties mid-term, saying she “always felt deep down I was really a Democrat.”
“buzzerbee is also a dick” is also true.
Maybe you need to wrap your head around a telephone pole, instead...
God, that needs moar stars...
Cyclists cause more mayhem, with the full approbation of crunchy San Franciscans, in their dayglo cycling outfits.
It’s always one dickhead cop — several times a day, every day, all year, every year, forever. If only we could rid ourselves of that one dirty cop...
Almost as if the cops didn’t need to be there at all...
Cyclists are a much greater danger, and injure pedestrians every day. But middle aged white men enjoy cycling, so that’s ok.
Great hypotheticals, but none of those things happened, when they were skating before the cops came, and none of those things happened after the cops left. It was just the cops who endangered and caused great bodily harm to the citizenry — but that’s ok, right?
If only the cops were similarly required to stop and think before being reckless threats to society. But they can’t do wrong, right?
They skated before and after the cops with none of those things happening. The only violence and carnage was directly attributable to the cops.
Lol, the majority of social service money goes to middle aged white people in Red States, who bitch about the laziness and sloth of others, while creating the highest rates of divorce, alcoholism, child mortality, and now drug abuse, in the nation. That shit doesn’t cost nothing, though, right? Yeah, it’s punk kids…