
That’s bullshit. I was walking across the Brooklyn Bridge the other day, and I was under constant assault from recreational bikers going exactly the same speed if not faster, and with the same reckless abandon (actually this happens on every public way nowadays), but that’s ok because biking is enjoyed by middle aged

Yo dipshit — what’s the motto of every police department ever instituted? I’ll wait right here.

Unlike the winners who post on Jez all day from their soul sucking cube makework jobs.

Clearly the dude deserved to be injured, because you have no rights once you break the law. Or something like that, right?

Huh. I guess cops aren’t racist after all — they’re, reckless, out-of-control assholes who are a danger to all mankind. Fuck the fucking pigs. And don’t bother with #notallcops. It’s #toofuckingmanycopsassholes.

Is that Buschemi? (sp?)

We bought beer wearing our varsity jackets with “85" on the shoulders, in 1983. It’s not your height, brah.

Really? Only then? I mean, they’re all assholes, right? Just waiting their turn, now?

No. Genetics.

Excellent humblebrag. Well played.

I was just carded, and I’m fifty. This means I’m employable for another decade, because I only look forty. Cling to it, baby.

Plus — “any possible doubt” does not equal “reasonable doubt.”

Since when does “men’s rights” have anything to do with sexual assault? Sure, men have rights. They don’t extend to sexual assault. There are no “two sides” to committing a crime like this.

The enemy of my enemy is my friend.

Right, because Trump voters count for things.

“Mayweather would stand no chance in an actual fight.”

Yeah, and anybody with a 2x4 could beat the shit out of any MMA fighter. It’s hardly a sport, watching a guy get fucking choked. Why not just give them fucking guns and get it over with. Dipshits.

It’s not only the Catholic Church that incompetently or evilly ignores what’s right in front of them...

60 children! That’s almost as many as are killed by gun accidents in the home in, I don’t know, a couple weeks?

Kobach is not just an election official. He went state to state, promising Secretaries of State that he could purge their rolls of thousands of Democratic voters with a computer system he had designed for Kansas. Not illegal voters — Democratic voters. He’s a professional disenfranchiser— that makes him the perfect