The Republicans are three states away from being able to amend the Constitution. I’d be afraid.
The Republicans are three states away from being able to amend the Constitution. I’d be afraid.
Holy fucking God. Don’t read the article then. Offred escapes at the end and Serena Joy does a murder suicide. There, you don’t need to watch now.
Get a life, perhaps?
So is Megiddo, the site of Armageddon.
Or, more to the point, the Appropriations Committee has members whose districts each need that sweet, sweet defense money. They’re often pushing equipment on the military which it says it doesn’t want.
So the military’s been operating on, like, half funding, or no funding? I think not. How profitable have military contractors and vendors been these past 20 years?
Because each generation of combat aircraft breaks the fucking bank, so that they spend the next 20 years trying to make it back, while paying out the ass for the next generation of insanely overpriced aircraft?
As a pilot, I have to say I’m appalled at the dude’s decision to abandon the plane when it risked crashing into a goddamn neighborhood of unsuspecting people.
“South Korea is a risk I’m willing to take” — Donald J. Trump.
Nah. This law is about punishing black women, nothing more.
Sex is only for middle class whites, duh.
But...her...emails. But...both parties are the same...But...the Feds should police marijuana...but the states should police...
Eldery mom. I like it. It stays.
If you’re a white working class woman, why are you out in public? You belong in the kitchen, barefoot and pregnant.
Librul imperialist tidbits. Got any nuts?
If we give in, you still lose your healthcare, damnit.
Do they even need humans to make a song anymore? It’s all auto tuned to within an inch of its life anyway.
Sounds pornographic. Like “shaking hands with Abraham Lincoln.”
Seconded. It’s pregnancy brain. Or lack of sleep.