Sir Digby Chicken Caesar

Where Prehistoric World is just Jurassic Park but with robots

Speaking of Elsie, where’s Elsie? Do we know for certain that Bernard/Arnold/one of his duplicates strangled her to death?

Can we talk about the new character “Grace” (last seen narrowly escaping a tiger) and how much she mirrors Theresa?

Similar appearance, mannerisms, habits (real cigarettes), cynicism... Then there are the similar-ish accents (one Dutch, one Danish), and the possible corporate espionage...

My hypothesis is that nuclear bombs have been detonated, leaving much of the real world in a state of devastation. Arnold’s son died of cancer. It’s strongly implied that Logan’s father James is/was dying of cancer. Yet 30 years later (in season 1) Ford says their tech can cure anything.

So perhaps the big secret

You mean Roadside Picnic (basis for Tartakovsky’s Stalker)? It’s been on my reading list for awhile, but I haven’t picked it up yet.

I meant to say I ordered the Southern Reach trilogy books (the first being Annihilation). I’m sorry I was unclear!

That’s really interesting. I ordered the books yesterday after reading this article, so I’m looking forward to reading them now.

I have not read the book, but the film adaptation looks a hell of a lot like Andrei Tartokovsky’s “Stalker”, only with the gratuitous(?) addition of typically Hollywood monsters. Is the book like this, too?

Think I’ll pass and just watch “Stalker” again.

This movie looks so sacriligous to Christie’s Poirot/Suchet’s Poirot that I’m just going to believe that it’s intentionally a (bad) French accent.

“Non, mon ami, you see Poirot is a *French*man, not a Belgian.”

Worked into the script somehow, just because. For Reasons.

Just an FYI but when you respond to a troll, their posts remain visible. :-( 

I think we can hazard a guess that this is headed for a recovery at some point, be it regeneration or sooner. But I’m digging it that they didn’t miracle-cure-trope away his blindness at the end of the episode. It gives the loss more meaning, and the Doctor a chance to grow as a character.

Would be fun actually to witness Simm’s Master regenerating into Gomez’s Missy...

Poe’s law

Fear not, intrepid defenders of democracy! The feds are on the case.

For children of abusive parents, the etiquette experts recommend saving the money you’d spend on said parents and putting it toward therapy for yourself. 

Wow. You might want to get some therapy. Or a divorce. Or — ask your wife if she might want to see a doc for prenatal depression. (Is this a possibility?)

I second the prenatal massage suggestion. The masseuses who specialise in these have special tables with gaps for the baby bump, so a mother-to-be can lie down on her tummy for a blessed change. It’s like a little slice of heaven after months of lying on your side or back. Though at 21 weeks you might want to give her

I would not feel appreciated if my partner made me a nice meal and then told me I can wait to do the dishes on Monday. If you are going to cook for me, please also do the clean-up work.

Or if that’s beyond you just take us both out to eat.

#TeamEmma always
And I love that she has patched things up with Helena Bonham Carter

Dunk & Egg: The Animated Series

Aimed at that profitable 5-12 year old demographic

Sells all the toys

Which is strange, because Branagh is not strong in the looks department.