
No worries, I just think that the look, while creative, it not something people wanting to get into the game at this point would know if they haven't played before

Cauze it's being made to look like an Aetherite, which basically look like that ish and are in the center of every town (the warp points). It's making a very specific reference

Im biased towards IX as it's the one I grew up on. The characters are fun and charming, the cast probably gets the most time to exist together thanks to the cutaway cutscenes, the ability system is a great blend of several previous systems, and the story generally doesn't require an abundance of expanded material to

As the proud owner of the family flat-screen first purchased in 2009...

The Culling Game is less of a tournament arc than the article implies

As someone who has never owned an XBOX, hasn’t touched CoD in a decade after watching its long downfalls, and having seen how Activision has failed to make anything interesting that wasn’t a reboot or a remake...

Whelp, there goes literally the only thing that I was interested in.


Many zoos also function as veterinarians and recovery centers for injured wildlife, with the goal of releasing to the wild or helping to keep alive those that can’t be. In which case animals that would otherwise be left to die are treated as ambassadors to help get people interested in conservation efforts.


If the AI was trained on his own work, stock images, or artwork whose creators had given permission for use in training ai; then I’d be down with this. It is a great, quick way to make small art assets that feel alien as heck.

I just jumped on top of a poke center and watched them run laps

Horendous Management

As a life long anti-XBox gamer (this is a joke, I don’t actually hate the xbox), I find myself agreeing with Microsoft here

I watched a breakdown from the Corridor Crew a while ago. Part of the reason the CGI may look bad is a combination of YouTube compressing some details out that aren’t lost on D+, and the fact that we’re seeing her next to Banner. Banner’s Hulk has over a decade to be perfected, and has stings like stubble and a less

No worries! Tis a risk we all take when stepping on to the platform of great anonymous debate

I don’t understand the counter point you are trying to make. All I said was that I bought a WiiU for Bayo 2. Is that what you were replying to?

Nintendo owns it. They bought it, and largely pay for the series. Technically, they share publishing rights with Sega I believe, but that really only matters for Bayonetta 1.

I honestly love the existence of the naive Angel mode. Then again, I dislike “fan service” that’s just “look at my boobs!” So I’ll probably have it on even when I’m alone.

...whoops? My bad

Plus, while NSO is missing stuff, most of the consoles available have their biggest hits available

I would love to see a DS9 reboot using the pilot designed in What We Leave Behind. DS9 has aged so well, and I would love to see more Doctor Bashir, Garak, the Sisko family, Dax, Major Kira.

It wouldn’t be same without Odo and Quark, but if nothing else we could see what ultimately became of his bar.