
The last year or so of PC ports has pushed me fully back to console gaming. More and more, PC gaming seems to be asking you to brute force games with overwhelming GPU power and overkill amounts of VRAM with little to no optimization. Often, the answer to get games to run well is to lower graphics settings to a point

people who demand “no politics” in gaming are all cowards.

Live-A-Live is wild. More of those “groundbreaking JRPG that completely changed the medium but never left Japan”, please.

I think a part of the equation here is that “walking around” is not the MAIN thing you do in a Far Cry game. It’s mostly about shooting stuff.

Yes, but do remember that as far as evangelicals are concerned, only their Christianity is the real Christianity, and what anybody else says or believes doesn’t matter because they will burn in the depths of hell for all eternity (accept maybe right wing Catholic Supreme Court justices - they might yet find salvation).

Completely anti-intellectual, aggressively “Christian”, and thinks authoritarianism is freedom.

I so want a proper remaster of those games, not a half- or quarter-assed attempt like THPS HD. I hope it’s the best case scenario and not something gimmicky and sub par.