
Not enough people are hyped for Live A Live. I never thought I’d see an official english release of it, and I cannot be more excited. Here’s hoping Treasure of the Rudra and Bahumat Lagoon are next

Look, I tried but the puzzle is clearly rigged. It doesn’t account for Stargate and that is a shame. Stargate is clearly the best of them all.

I think it’s a case of Forza Horizon being functionally the only open world racing game on the market. The next competitor is what... Burnout Paradise Remastered? Combined that with gameplay that builds in interesting ways and doesnt change what’s not broken.

This game actually gas several mechanics smash lacks, and lacks some that smash has. This game is also heavily combo focused (whereas smash actively avoids combos), features a strafe that let’s you control what direction you face, heavy and light air attacks, reflects for everyone, a rockpaperscissors mechanic on

Not gonna lie, still 90% certain that Dream was created by videogamedunky as a joke to parody apology videos on y0utube.

When i was a kid, i absolutely loved the PS1 version of Emporer’s New Groove: The Game. Played it so many times, but there was one level where you had to button mash on the controllers to escape some panthers and I just could not do it.

So I gave the controller to my dad, and watched him do it.

When I got Final Fantasy

As I realize some other people said below/above, it’s not that we like it when Sony does it. I actually love console exclusives, as it means you can worry more about making the best product possible to drive console sales, rather than a product designed to squeeze every last penny out of people with microtransactions.


Historically speaking, churches that live up to their values have been sanctuaries and places of respite. Even in the recent turmoil, many churches opened their doors to protesters to protect them from militant cops and counterprotesters.

I am dating a life long christian, who comes from a family of life long christian, and I can promise, you it ain’t christianity you hate. Christianity is about loving your neighbor, and helping those that need it most, and respect your fellows.

Oh, the Great Goober Library.  That such a difficulty spike. There is a hard mode which is even more difficult.

Darn it, I actually like this band. Least it seems like the rest of the group didn’t agree with Marshall. Why does the altright have to ruin everything I like

Honestly, that’s a little bit more than I make a month currently and I have to say...

Heck yeah! I’m barely able to stay afloat as is and that would help me actually get caught up on so friggen much! Plus, so many of my clients are begging for assistance. Bail out the people for once, ya?

Dang it, is now the time I find out about Telegram’s sordid dark side? Finally find a decent chat app that I can access on my phone and computer and now it gets infected by this trash.

Next you’re going to tell me that Discord has ex-Parlor servers now. What’s next, will AOL IM or MSN no longer be safe?!

I don’t understand the DS4 hate. I find it comfortable to hold, I’ve never had issues with the stick placement, its design is an absolute joy in appearance

That’s why I like FFXIV. I have one person in my free company that hit level 80 (current max) on multiple classes before finish the story.

Closer to BlazeBlue. Light, med, Heavy, and a Magic button

Nah, this is just a charity event. Sonic wouldn’t go all out here

This is why I’ve always used Ivy’s alt costumes. She’s been my favorite character to play since SC2 and I hated her outfit when I was a kid and still hate it now. I’m sure the first think I’ll do is make her a much less scandalous outfit the moment I touch the game

The funniest thing I find out this is that this doesn’t state which state the girl was from. Practically every state has a different age of consent (Though given OWL is based in CA it would be 18) and that 6 years (if she was 15) is a really small gap in the long run. The article also does not state how willing the

The games aren’t actually connect to the live client and are hosted on site to remove all png. Allowing us to watch in games as you suggest could hamper the players connection