"But I will say this; Sony will always always always have my heart because of one man, and his name is Nathan Drake."
"But I will say this; Sony will always always always have my heart because of one man, and his name is Nathan Drake."
I said it when the PS4/XB1 were first announced, and I'll say it again.
HAHA, yep, I mostly check Gizmodo for the Daily Deals. And to troll the angry console fanboys. ;)
Exactly. Just a team of amateurs. I've been a Gizmodo reader for a very long time now. Pre-2009, they were a fantastic network, with very intelligent editorials, awesome exposés, you name it. Since then though, shit has gone down hill. So far downhill.
75% of ALL Gawker articles are taken from Reddit, and they never give credit. It makes sense why Steve Jobs said Gizmodo writers aren't "journalists" now when that whole iPhone 4 debacle went down.
Fuck, you beat me to it!
Everyone thinks it's funny that Blockbuster still exists.
I went with the PS4 for the simple fact that it supports Remote Play with the Vita. Had Microsoft produced a portable with some good standalone titles for said portable, it might have played out completely different, especially since Kinect is no longer required.
To my fellow PS Vita owners who are purchasing a PS4, or have tried Remote Play with their PS3;
Need some help with Vita > PS3 remote play folks, please help!
Steambox seems promising. The biggest thing that bugs non-nerd consumers is they can't be bugged with the task of upgrading hardware in the first place. You've got to keep in mind that 99% of their user base throws the console in a dusty, un-ventilated entertainment center for 8 years, and expect it to "just work".…
Lol, I have a beast of a gaming rig, running an OC i7, 4.0 GHz (with a cinder block of a heat sink), 16 GB 1700 MHz GDDR3 RAM, and a GeForce 760.
1998 called. They want their compact discs back. And DLNA can be added with a software update. I imagine support for CD playback could as well, since it is a Blu-Ray drive.
Yeah, EXTERNAL drives. Internal drives are just as easy to swap as before. Simply remove one of the plates, Phillips screw, remove the second Phillips screw securing the hard drive, reinsert the new drive, put the screws back in, power on the console, format the drive, done. Entire process takes like 2 minutes. And so…
The point that I'm trying to make is that you're trying to say that the human eye cannot detect the difference between 30 FPS and 60 FPS. This simply is not true. Myself, as well as most other gamers and folks to enjoy high fidelity and frame rates can quite easily tell the framerate of something, even if not told the…
True, but 39 fps is at the low end of the spectrum.
Or, you could just expand it with a larger hard drive....just as you can on a PC....
Lol. Your "I have no idea what I'm talking about" is still showing. Ask any optometrist. The human eye can, and does see beyond 60 "fps". It's been researched, and it's found that our average eyes are closer to 120-130 "fps", even more for some people.
I agree with literally every other post here. These videos are awful, Kotaku. Please stop posting them. :/
I'm simply appalled by the hypocrisy of the comments on this post.