Has anyone tried play testing this is on-console with something such as an Everdrive 64?
Has anyone tried play testing this is on-console with something such as an Everdrive 64?
I don’t remember anyone saying that about Wii U. Wii U didn’t get a Pokémon, Animal Crossing, or Monster Hunter game (at least what I recall).
“Just saying don’t expect it to be a wicked successful machine”
Because players could win $10,000.
It would be nice to see more of the code. It’s clear that he stole code since the variable names are exactly the same, but the values are different. Totally a jerk move, but aside from using the same variables, I don’t see a REAL problem.
We're very careful about using the C-word, but there is PLENTY of research from some very credible sources (Harvard, Cambridge, etc. etc.) that provides substantial evidence that cannabis could be used for the treatment of cancer.
The effects of cannabis are very much dependent on the strain and subspecies. The two primary subspecies, cannabis indica and cannabis sativa, have very different effects on the mind and body. Cannabis sativa is a very cerebral intoxicant, which tends to absolutely ignite the brain and gives you that heightened level…
Some where, someone who spent far too much time designing low poly fruit is shedding tears of joy that their tedious work was finally recognized.
Because they wouldn't get additional clicks because the old ports would get buried by new posts. Gawker Media makes money from ads, therefore, more articles = more clicks = more money = more room for you to complain about a company whose sole intention is to make money.
I did a quick scim through the article, so perhaps I missed it, but how much are these intestinal death traps?
Wow...if you read through the comments section of this article, prepare for folks with daddy issues.
It's the hipster thing to do.
Know what I use? A mechanical keyboard.
How about the fact that the bread looks like it has been resting in a damp sewer for the last week?
The problem here is that you've chosen McDonalds fries, but have decided to dine upon a burger that, quite clearly, originates from a different establishment.
Lettuce shrapnel. EVERYWHERE.
Why is his shirt ROLLED up...?