Sir Eccles

I honestly think the Rising are more popular than the Diamondbacks and Coyotes locally. Probably still won’t get into MLS, though.

I can’t wait to be horrified by the food at the venue.

Ok, but legit question for Air Force folks - How do I rewing the 30-50 feral Warthogs that fly into my yard within 3-5 mins while my ground troops play?

I've had a tasting with one of the head tasters from Balvenie. He said, a bit of water, ideally from the spring the whisky is made with.

Why not just go to GDocs or Libre Office now, then? Both can save/read docx, they most likely do the tiny miniscule of functionality you need, and they do it 100% free of charge.

It was a yellow onion. You couldn’t get white onions because of the war.

The police after having spotted a black man with a car.

Not sure what I feel worse about:  (1) that I felt compelled to make a juvenile “they should have played shirts v. skins” joke about this or (2) that someone beat me to it...

This is how the movies start. It results in:

WiFi Sensitivity, Electromagnetic Sensitivity, Multiple Chemical Sensitivity, and other vague environmental sensitives. Which, to be fair, are psychosomatic. I haven’t seen the show though so I can’t comment on how Netflix handled the subject matter.

Tactical Nuclear Warheads aren’t the solution to every problem, Ripley

“Influencer” should be the first ingredient listed on Soylent Green packaging.

So the flag is only at half mast.

Well seeing you has done me a power of good!

Shut up Eccles!

I hope my OP didn’t convey any sympathy for Melania! 

As delicious as that would be, Melanie is a willing participant. I don’t doubt she hates being First Lady but aside from that, their relationship is what she signed up for. I actually think they have their version of an equal partnership, he’s exactly like her own father and it’s seems like she’s good with that!

Exactly. I was in Leeds when she was murdered. It was very sedately reported on and the narrative was that the killer was one troubled individual, certainly not a part of the increasingly violent populists.

Even more than that. About a week later, Nigel Farage claimed Brexit won, “without a single bullet being fired.”

sure, when these people take pics, its justice, but when i do, its immoral.