
at this point they could do anything with it almost but thankfully we only have to wait until April 27 to find out. granted they haven’t released the name of Avengers 4 which it seems is a spoiler for infinity war which might turn out to be infinity war = Thanos Quest and Avengers 4 = the true infinity gauntlet.

sounds like the name alone is really hinting at Moon Knight

it wouldn’t matter to the soul gem since it has absolute control of souls. it could take the soul of a living person and put them in a new body. that isn’t a limitation.. or it could take a soul from the afterlife and put it in a new body. or it could make a copy of a soul and put that into a new body.. or it could

sentient sorry typo.. potentially the reality gem could be sentient as well but it requires that gem to alter reality to make it so since it can do anything really.

it could put their souls in a new body.. or just outright eat their souls since the soul gem in the comics is sentiment and wants to eat souls.

it’s a main component of the Celestial armor they build the armor around the celestials out of massive blocks of the stuff.

where could it be? Thanos is one possibility and probably a very strong one at that. in fact in the comics it’s the soul gem that Thanos goes after first.

that’s probably because the metal virbanium is a good part of what constitutes the Celestial’s armor so there are reasons why it’s properities are the way they are it isn’t just a metal like even uru but something different.

well that kind of is obvious given the Celestial’s armor is made from Vibranium so there are reasons why it has the properties that it does.. that being it’s an armor for a group of cosmic beings.

60s.. all the way back to their founding all the way to the current Democrats who haven’t changed one bit.. but you go excusing everything they do because you like them. not like accountability seems to be big with you. Democrats and especially the progressives love that kind of attitude. no matter what they do you’ll

and i repeat that you are a twisted individual. you say that and still attempt the claim the moral high ground? that is crazy.

there are KKK in the state i live in.. and all those idiots are democrat and even when they hate it.. they still vote democrat. you could put Stalin on the ticket.. or a worse murderer. and they still would vote democrat.

well democrats love to say how the parties have switched but honestly they haven’t. both have been big government to a degree.. democrats more than republicans so that part hasn’t changed. that it was the democrats that openly rebelled during the civil war? some stayed loyal most did not. that it was the democrats who

even if there is no up vote it wouldn’t matter what i have said is the truth. perhaps you should reread what you just wrote and ask yourself why you would ask someone to kill themselves. what kind of evil person does that? what kind of messed up person does that? you need only look at history itself to see what i was

i don’t need to lie about anything but you on the other hand need to alter history to hide a lot of shame.

you know what is really vulgar.. how you make things up

which is ironic given the actual name of the nazi party is the National Socialist German Workers’ Party

i suppose when the truth isn’t on your side there is always vulgarity

you get a bio-mask and some a predator face paint and some resources as well as quite a bit of xp. the mask is kind of neat looking the paint is good but not fond of it.

having lived in the south my entire life i just can’t fathom how i missed it >.> so.. nyc? new york city.. goalie? guessing a yankee instructing a southerner on how things are in the south.. by all means do go on.