great you can be solo when the trolls nuke your base
great you can be solo when the trolls nuke your base
won’t be empty when they nuke your base
pretty sure one of the signs of the apocalypse
i have another suggestion
which is kind of hilarious.. since what you are saying is in order to get you think out of one box they want you in another box.
you get a bio-mask and some a predator face paint and some resources as well as quite a bit of xp. the mask is kind of neat looking the paint is good but not fond of it.
why you can turn off mob griefing in the pc version and the ps4 version likely others. then the creepers still blow up but don’t destroy blocks
i did reply to you.. so you don’t have all the blame.
you also don’t need an alternate universe to point out instances where the journalist parrot what the state wants..
project zomboid is on steam and that was the best i could pull off in minecraft but i think i’m getting it fairly close with what i can do.
game reviewers aren’t really journalists however much they might like to pretend to be.
they carried the water for one president for 8 years.. helped cover up his lies. i’d say they are all in for the dems.
you mean the kind that point out your hypocrisy? sure
one group? it’s more than just one group.
theft is still theft.
well given i’ve never actually used the word and i don’t speak latin that’s a bad example. no generally talking about the left’s belief in free speech but only if you echo what they want you to say.
that would only be true if the game reviewers were writing just what the game corporations want them to. not what they see.. that is a voice box. the reviewers own articles are still their own words.
so you think it’s all one sided and kotaku did nothing
they aren’t real journalists reporting on important matters. that doesn’t make their jobs unimportant.. but if you think the level of importance is the same you are crazy. as odd as it sounds we could live without games.. it isn’t that high a priority. they are nice to have but not vital.