
great you can be solo when the trolls nuke your base

won’t be empty when they nuke your base

pretty sure one of the signs of the apocalypse

they keep saying Thundercats Roar

you should read earlier where it stated the celestial already altered them.

no after and it wasn’t an accident.. it was celestial manipulation. i don’t know what fanfiction you’ve read but it’s not the 616 Eternals

i don’t think you’ve even picked up a comic book with an eternal in it.. try do to more than wiki it.

true.. of the little we have seen about Thanos himself he doesn’t look like he’s changed much if at all.

both groups are still Eternals they just happen to live in two different locations. they didn’t genetically split off creating an entirely new species.

that may have something to do with Ant-Man and Wasp being after infinity war but taking place right after civil war and how that might tie in with it and what they are doing in Avengers 4..

merge.. but they already are merged.. the titans were just eternals who moved from earth to titan.

the thing is it has already happened.... Thanos is an Eternal

it would take away from their story since Eternals in the comics were humans who were altered by the Celestials along with the Deviants.. one of their most powerful members is Thanos who is an Eternal with Deviant genetics.

technically not possible to beat marvel to the punch since we’ve already seen one eternal ever since the Avengers..

i have another suggestion

you probably could given Eternity is the universe and that isn’t hard to point out. so technically.. Eternity is in every single marvel movie.

ego has been dead before in the comics and not like that stopped him.. to be honest can you even kill something of that power? or just ensure that it takes a long time for him to reform.

there is another possibility he could be portraying Nighthawk from the squadron supreme universe if they were branching out from the traditional 616 universe. although there is a 616 nighthawk too.

which is kind of hilarious.. since what you are saying is in order to get you think out of one box they want you in another box.

people change their minds all the time. it could be a matter of timing too. number of reasons.. or it might not be marvel.