
Oh goody. I, for one, can’t wait for my progress to be constantly fucked back to the stone age thanks to piles of nuke-happy trolls...

the soul gem in the comics is sentiment and wants to eat souls.

Holy crap, a comment that knows the actual history of the Infinity Gems.

Or maybe just like, a magic horn or something.

Most of us outside of California wouldn’t mind it if CA left the union... Seriously, you guys are fun to visit, but you already kind of live on your own planet...

However, only one of them is Mary Poppins.

The more I see of Peter & Tony the sadder I become that we’ll never see Peter & Reed together onscreen.

Translation: Pascal said she was itching to clarify that (expletive) after she unnecessarily stirred shit up with the good people at Disney/Marvel who are saving her job.


War...war never changes.

I’ve never hated him. Only his movies, and what he said about some of them and their reception. And I still hate his movies. But no parents deserve to have their child commit suicide, and I hope to god he’ll get through this hell okay. Or as okay as he can, really.

Don’t even get me started about Al Gore driving his V8 Cadillac around in his An Inconvenient Truth DVD. He’s totally a “do as I say, not as I do” kind of person.

Wait, are you saying climate change alarmists took some normal non-critical issue and blew it out of proportion to illustrate how terrible Global Warming is because there are no actual examples of it? According to Bill Nye the Undergraduate mechanical engineering guy you should be jailed.

She can control water, any water where ever located even in your bladder or between or in your cells, with her mind. She is DC’s answer to FF’s highly underestimated Sue Storm. So cleavage drag is small potatoes to her.

Yesh, Atlantish learned from our Russhian technOLogy.

I guess a reboot is inevitable but if they do keep the series going for a long time I always hoped they’d sort ofl blaze their own trail and sort of exist in “real time” ie Tony Stark dies and he’s dead and some other cool actor/character will move into the limelite (even if it seems impossible).

It’s a callback..

I’m in full agreement with most of the glaring flaws pointed out here, except this last little bit: