
that is a convenient lie the parties haven’t switched.. they both have roughly become big government.. just sometimes we get people on the right who actually want smaller government. but the parties haven’t switched at all.. you need only look to Hillary embracing a KKK member Byrd as an example and there are others.

or rather people like you who resort to language without even a decent argument. what i got was what amounted to “oh look idiot racist in the GOP so let’s forget the democrats incredibly racist past” but you know don’t let that stop you for giving them a pass i guess.

i don’t really care one bit about confederate monuments largely put up by democrats or the idiots who tear them down while conveniently ignoring a Lenin statue in Washington state. granted that is on private land. it seems like they have no problem with statues of regimes that murder millions (the communists).

except no the democrat leaders wanted to protect their own profits and cloaked all that in states rights because how else would they get the poor of the south to fight for them or their property.

democrats haven’t changed really at all since their formation with Andrew Jackson. they just figured out how to control people by fooling them into thinking they are on their side and have been all along. rewriting history helps all that with attempting to convince people it wasn’t the democrats who pushed for jim

hate to break it to you but they were and still are haven’t changed a bit although they love to say how parties have flipped. as i said they love to rewrite history. dems now are the same as dems back then..

lot of rewritting of history jim crow laws? that came from the left as did the confederacy. against the 13th amendment? that was the dems.. voting rights. again dems segregation int he south? again dems.

if that were the case it wouldn’t work so well. he would burn every place he tried to land and the fuel required for such a jet would require something as large as the hulk buster and with less efficiency. no way he could have flown across the states on the amount of fuel that the iron man armor carries.

once you get going that’s all you really need since there is nothing much to slow down a quinjet in space but if it uses larger repulsars and powered by a larger version of the tech that powers iron man’s armor it probably might have enough to reach whereever the wormhole is.

if it’s like the comics i believe the jets on it are really just overpowered repulsars like what Iron Man has. so they should work in space.

well yeah Watchmen isn’t perfect although to be honest based on hollywood it’s a lot closer to the source than i ever expected. still mostly i wanted to point out the movie is darker much like the graphic novel so that isn’t a change.

except it could be more that’s how they wanted Danny Rand to come off as as opposed to poor acting the two aren’t the same. as for poor fight choreography it isn’t that bad. and as for the side characters being more interesting when has that been a problem. as for side characters they are stars of the show too. last

that is rich after the language you’ve used.

oh there area lot more sides. it’s just the left sees.. the left and to the left there are only two sides.

oh really so the take away is it’s perfectly fine to call a white man a monkey but oh no .. don’t call a black man a monkey.. how about asians.. or native americans can are they okay in your little pc world? or perhaps it’s wrong to call any person a monkey.

there were some that are as bad as the dems at only attacking the person and never the substance of what they are saying.

plus this is rich from a party who spent 8 years comparing GW bush to a monkey.. you really have some nerve. but i forgot anything goes when attacking the right or libertarians eh?

.. that is the pot calling the kettle black. but really how many leftist celebrities and leadership have called for violence again? i would say it’s more than a minority. can’t imagine why you think say the other side is engaging in tribalism when the side you are defending keeps treating the other side like

i wonder if you really think you are being edgy typing that. but no people were called racist for disagreeing with him. were there those who did do what you say yes. but when you say every single argument against you is racist.. well you kind of shoot your own argument in the foot.

really? would you care to point out where i asked for it to be banned? anywhere i might add. i simply said that art is not for me. but you go on and just make up whatever you want i guess. i’ll keep on calling it out for being creepy or pretty disgusting.