not state secret but if you want to keep the flow of information and now have this outcome.. maybe don’t leak every single thing you get.
not state secret but if you want to keep the flow of information and now have this outcome.. maybe don’t leak every single thing you get.
it is in the article
yeah.. now look again at what i actually typed.. “maybe” which means sometimes you might want to sometimes you might actually not want to leak. that is if English is too difficult for you.
depends on the leak i suppose.. some leaked information is illegal. here? well just ask if it’s worth it. but don’t be surprised if game companies get skittish if leaked information keeps getting put out there.
so kotaku isn’t your friend either since it’s a brand :)
first they aren’t reporting to save lives so that is out. so they have an insider willing to sell the dirt.. then they are suddenly surprised when companies who also are trying to make money are cautious about their product? what they are doing isn’t exactly noble
so maybe don’t report on leaked information.. seems simple.
young man? never trust someone who will stab you in the back.. what about that is so hard to understand. once a betrayer always one. this isn’t a hard concept.
an oath breaker in one area will do so in others. anyone who is willing to betray a teammate is not worth trusting they’ll do it again
if you think of betrayal you are shit in strategy.. if you betray someone you’ll do it again. never trust someone who has betrayed before because they are one step away from stabbing you in the back just like they stabbed their past “teammates”
i’m a hell of a lot better than tactics than you think. why? because people who team up with me know i will not betray them for the lols.
no sorry that wasn’t their only teammate.
so you are saying the event encouraged people to act like traitors and team killers? o.O what is it about people that they never want to actually put the blame where it belongs.. the person doing the activity.. always want to blame something else.. somebody else made me do it..
the oath he took to help protect the ship did you bother to read the article?
i’m calling the person out on their backstabbing nature and i’m saying don’t give them a pass.. where as you want to. but perhaps it’s in your nature. i can’t help it if your ethics is shit. that’s all you.
really team kills are allowed in so many games but doesn’t mean you should stab your teammates in the back.
no blame the player.. it was their choice.. the game didn’t make it for them.
why not just go all out and have a visor that shows the other players as a naked Norman Reedus from death stranding?
only if i can go by comics.. drax at hulk strength level rage >.>
nah.. the distance is more like a mile away from me. >.> i miss a lot of jokes >.> maybe Drax the Destroyer is my spirit animal.