i doubt the knife will be much use against zombies.. all that infected blood.. but i bet you could use it to make a pretty nice spearpoint. now that would be useful against zombies. but i’d try to avoid melee against infected things.
i doubt the knife will be much use against zombies.. all that infected blood.. but i bet you could use it to make a pretty nice spearpoint. now that would be useful against zombies. but i’d try to avoid melee against infected things.
isn’t this basic science? you don’t want to be anywhere near an explosion underwater. that shockwave is pretty deadly.
how about a party of nothing but chocobo in a world of cities full of chocobo :O ;O :O :D and you have to watch out for the Chocobo Black Mage.. he has shifty eyes...
no ship for old men?
not that even you didn’t point out the obvious part of your statement.. no mention of the comics. and before you respond Batman did kill a few enemies in the golden age before he stopped doing that and Batman villains have died.. but Batman didn’t go out intending to kill them.
minecraft.. and the Fallout 4 creation kit.. working on a project to recreate fallout one on a 1-1 scale.. or one mile on our map = one mile in the game..
given the eratic seasons on that world it sort of makes a certain amount of sense
nah the reason for those two is to introduce guilt to control people and fear to keep them in line.
but we haven’t yet seen the most advanced synths that aliens have to offer. i have to wonder where they got the technology for vault 111 given it is not seen elsewhere in any other vault and that includes the one with von braun in it. even the technology keeping him alive could not stop him aging like the technology…
yes.. they are human so i care enough that they are human so yes do care a little for them. i have the potential of caring less than i already do that would depend on the consequences of their actions.
of if they are a synth perhaps a more advanced nearly all biological synth.
in a couple cases they hadn’t replaced them yet or even met the person they were copied from yet more like another copy of the person out there somewhere.
judo served me well enough. i couldn’t hit harder than a bully but i could use their strength against them. that plus i found martial arts to bring a lot of peace to me even now when i get frustrated. you are right the bully does pick on the wrong person, one who won’t back down like the bully expects. if the bully…
not sure about it being worse than before. bullying has existed every since one person saw a perceived weaker person and took advantage of them. the difference i think now is just the way it happens. before it was more physical and physical pains heal given time but they do heal and they do leave scars too but those…
i’ll be honest.. the moment they shift their pain on someone else.. i could care less about the bully’s pain. plus quite a few of them are in a good home.. and i certainly am not going to feel bad for a spoiled bully.
it’s probably because the characters are already created characters from idolmaster just inserted into certain roles rather than being a direct anime interpretation which is also why they are all female.
they sort of do have a better excuse to be honest. but now the problem isn’t black characters but the fact that people only look at black characters and completely ignore others.. native american for one..
take out the super deligates and Clinton isn’t that far ahead.
but that was when he thought they died in a car accident. he didn’t know his father was outside the car and beaten to death by the Winter soldier. or that his mom was injured couldn’t escape and was strangled to death. that would rip apart the stitching of any person i can think of.