
Tony clearly loved his mother.. when you are hit like that all of a sudden and you see your mother murdered on video like that.. i imagine all Tony could think of at that point was pain. wasn’t forced at all. Tony was hurt and he lashed out and i think even Cap could see that.

the Ross one was another attempt to recreate the super soldier formula which was flawed.

i think part of that was the fact that vision himself was confused about it. he knew it sounded logical but i don’t know about you but i could tell he was conflicted about it throughout the movie. the mind may say one thing but clearly visions heart was saying something else.

unreasonable that she be put in a prison already? hell you can imagine what Ross would do to Banner given he already wanted Banner dead and drained of blood to create hulk soldiers in the Incredible Hulk.

because Captain America was fighting to protect both of them. Winter soldier because he was brainwashed and didn’t have a choice.. and he also didn’t want Iron Man to kill him either.

except he wasn’t given 72 hours.. he was given 36 hours and Ross wasn’t interested in the fact that there was something else going on. there was no way he was going to sanction anyone going to siberia. maybe you didn’t pay as much attention to the movie as you thought you did.

long as i can get access to books? indefinitely

in honor of the Duke of York

i’d swap lucky charms with s’morez.. it’s horribly overrated s’morez that is. the same with reese’s puffs. i love the peanut butter and there just isn’t enough peanut butter to be anything but a disapointment. so i’d switch that with honey nut cheerios..

I would suggest Wheel of Time. the entire series is already complete so no more waiting for books that plus in my opinion it is better than Game of Thrones and Lord of the Rings combined.

and then Warner Brothers gives the movie to Snyder >.>

manga is weird but pretty good

that kind of was the point which is funny given the responses like this but nobody points out that the Vision in another reply is a Syntazoid

why would i vote trump he’s as liberal as Clinton and just as honest

a homocidal maniac more likely to target a gun free zones filled with people who have less options to defend themselves.

as i said.. sounds like a character drowning or eaten alive is fine with you but shot is one bridge too far.. strange idea.

social justice warrior? i prefer for people to have trainging with weapons. to know guns how to clean them use them safely and store them properly. my point was that people who think like that seem to have the idea that well disarm everyone you can.

you fail at history. taking a gun or any weapon out of a person’s hand doesn’t make them safe.. it just makes them targets to the people with guns and weapons. you see this all throughout history if you would actually research it rather.

really? you mean it kept the terrorists who attacked France not that long ago from getting and using guns? oh wait it didn’t.

interesting.. so.. therefore by that logic we should confiscate all cars.. because environment and it’s too easy a way to get to work or wherever you want to go. we should take away medicine because.. well you should be creative and it’s far too easy on you. we should take away the computer you are typing on because