
the idea was to get a handle on Spending .. and the bad idea was expecting a democrat to actually honor their agreement.

democrats made deal and then broke it at the first opportunity, so it was a fault of making a compromise with people (the democrats) who do not keep their word. the idea was the taxes would go along with spending cuts... but true to form the democrats went back on their side of the bargain.

then you might want to tell Bernie Sanders that. Good luck.

rather strange to see liberals be so positive about the Iran deal given what the Iranian government does to women and gays. They hang the latter if you didn’t pay attention and apparently you haven’t. added to the fact that they give weapons to terrorist both in Palestine and across the middle east.

given Sanders calls himself a socialist ( and a democratic socialist) your defense fails.

forgetting that Reagan raised taxes on an agreement with the democrats but the democrats being what they are instantly betrayed their side of the bargain. The same thing happened with the first Bush too.

i do.. my first three games were Super Mario, Contra and Legend of Zelda great times

not completely true with Fallout 3.. are you forgetting the Karma system. it reacts to how you play.

possibly because there are consequences for using powers like that and while there are no bodies that doesn’t mean that more chaos isn’t created.. well decrease in guards could mean that certain areas get over run or aren’t cleaned properly (not that the guards would clean but the people who clean might either die or

makes me think you haven’t read Atlas Shrugged.

i don’t know i got most of the runes while not killing anyone or being seen. i saw it as a tactical challange especially a stealth challenge. i really didn’t see it as a detriment or anything that remotely held me back.

depends on the player too. for games like Skyrim and Daggerfall i tend to play towards my character if i’m rewarded or not, doesn’t really matter to me. If i play a knight in daggerfall i don’t loot corpses even if it would benefit me unless i have no other option. depends on roleplay and how much the person is

or people who enjoy using skill.. but that also might be going through the game without being detected and not killing. i guess i’m strange like that.. i’ll kill if i have to but if i can avoid it i’ll do so.

it won’t matter once Fallout 4 comes out.

this was actually explained a few times in the comics. Luthor did try to find out Superman’s identity and someone did find out what it was (they died of course) but the thing is most people especially during the bronze age thought Kal-El was his secret identity, and superman was his superhero identity. they never

the problem is if they undo it with a retcon it’s just another example of why comic book stories don’t matter and why i stopped reading them. Why bother when they’ll just retcon it a year or two down the road.. or reboot the universe.

were that the case then why do so many hide the crime if they are not worried about the consequences? you think that? look at places where guns are illegal already and you still have people with guns.

no actually the same passion or not people know that killing a person has consequences. that doesn’t go away and some people do lose their mind and kill someone but that does not make the point invalid. do you think someone who robs a bank is so stupid they don’t know if they get caught that there will be

you might want to relook at those places.. it hasn’t worked out as well as people expected.

it depends during the prohibition alcohol could be made in places where it was legal and brought in to places where it was illegal and thus could fetch a better price. In that case yes you could easily make alcohol. you could do so with guns and depending on the type of gun the difficulty ranges. Just make a factory