have you read the novel? considerably better than the film.
have you read the novel? considerably better than the film.
people who terrorized the citizens of Gotham who just wanted to go about their business and live their own lives. funny how that gets overlooked by a lot of people.
that is because at this point saying that leads to the general definition. There are a lot of people who want to ban guns completely and there are enough people who say that to where it isn’t unreasonable to assume that is what you mean when you saw gun laws and the like.
accidental shootings can at least be helped with training and proper storage of firearms. I am all for proper training for people who don’t even own a gun or want to own a gun as well.
there are longer and stiffer penalties for murder, tell me has that stopped murder? don’t be fooled into thinking that they’ll be less just because you put someone in jail for 5 years when people can go to jail for 20+ or even get the death penalty and that hasn’t stopped those crimes from happening.
smoking isn’t something i would do but i understand the right someone has to their own body. If someone else wants to smoke i have no problem with that. i disagree with a number of laws on this but they should be obeyed until removed or altered. some of those laws are crazy such as cannot smoke within your own home,…
it is to point you to a law where they intended to ban something and it didn’t work. i’ve pointed you to several laws that make an act illegal and yet the act still happens. my argument is you do not understand what laws do or how they work. you keep saying you can keep guns out of the hands of criminals and I’ve…
and yet in cases murder does cross their minds. it has happened every the first person enacted a law to say murder is illegal and then attempted to enforce it. ask yourself have we evolved at all? do you not think that someone who has murdered wasn’t told at one point, “murder is wrong or killing is wrong” and yet…
again look at the similarities between the laws. both prohibit a thing/event. There are those who support gun laws that don’t want anyone to have a gun for any reason. What i state is much like the prohibition if someone wants a gun they will get one. if you have a complete ban then the only people with guns will be…
no you brought in cigarettes and you pointed out they caused cancer.. so i asked you do you have the right to your own body. the comparison here wasn’t to guns but about rights.
and yet murder still happens, assault still happen. there is even slavery in our time. in some cases it does take different forms. look a the women who were kidnapped and held in a prison for years in cleveland. they were used as slaves and kidnapping is illegal btw.
better laws to ensure they wouldn’t have a gun?
do you hear about the minorities killing each other? i don’t recall the media obsessing over those deaths like they do the ones you mentioned. just take a look at chicago and you can see it, but media concentrate on certain crime and tend to turn a blind eye to the rest. crime that happens to promote a narrative they…
1. who has the better chance.. you defending yourself with a knife or a bat or your bare hands? or someone breaking into your home with a gun?
not really but if you see it that way that too works. if a person wishes to smoke a cigarette knowing it’s effects should they be allowed to. The question again, do you have a right to your own body or not.
gun control laws seek to prohibit gun ownership among the population. ask yourself what prohibition did if not to ban alcohol amongst the population. do you see a common thread here. how about any drug law, that too seeks to curb people’s ability to own, sell or distribute drugs. now name one such law that actually…
really? name one legislation that actually stopped a thing. count how many laws we have against murder for thousands of years. not one law has actually stopped it. there have been laws where the punishment was boiling people alive and even that punishment did not stop murder.. or theft. laws define behavior but they…
how many thousands of years of culture exist? fundamentally humans are no different now than they were when they started gathering in tribes. Technology changes but technology is just a tool, it helps you accomplish something you intend. guns or no guns if someone wishes to murder someone they will... if they wish to…
so this is about control? answer this.. does a person have the right to their own body? think about that one before you request a law or want to ban something.
1 someone who would want to kill, rape etc etc you. generally some person who wishes you ill and has the will to do it.