no.. the gun control laws share something with Prohibition much like every law out there. There are how many laws against murder? yet people are still murdered. How many against theft? reckless driving? yet how many of each are still committed.
no.. the gun control laws share something with Prohibition much like every law out there. There are how many laws against murder? yet people are still murdered. How many against theft? reckless driving? yet how many of each are still committed.
tell you what... how about you look up the prohibition. you know the amendment that was supposed to stop all alcohol and see how well that worked out. drinking increased to higher levels before the amendment was repealed than it was before attempted to stop drinking.
it really doesn’t make you a vampire but it does allow you to use the bloodpacks more efficiently. reads more as yeah i could do it before but now i know some tricks i didn’t have before. not like the cannibal perk where you actually learn how to be a cannibal and do something you couldn’t do after the perk plus…
blame the definition then.
as for clean water it exists there are ways to filter it and clean it but not on a large scale like project purity. it’s a game with a item like radaway with which you can remove radiation from the body.
the thing is that radiation didn’t just come from the bombs, it also came from the ground. a number of cars were powered by nuclear power and thus radioactive. There were other items such as the horse mentioned in the fallout 3 ingame ads. Nuka-cola was pre-war and already using radiation so people were exposed to…
i think i know where the misunderstanding comes from and it is common. look at the name RPG, Role Playing Game. It isn’t about the numbers or the stats. Those keep track of the game and allow you to take chance into it. it lets you know how skilled you are and how likely you can perform an action. People get stuck in…
one small flaw in the argument. I present Daggerfall
unless i mixed it up.. wasn’t this sid’s truck or another one. going to have to rewatch now.
if you think about it Fallout 3 improved New Vegas quite a bit. The things they learned from the last one was applied to New Vegas. I would imagine when we get our hands on Fallout 4 we’ll find the same thing but with the fallout games and the elder scrolls games contributing to it. From the looks of it building in…
the advantage of the intro also is you only really have to play it one time. Right before you leave the vault (just like in Oblivion) you have one last time to edit your character and you can do all the edits up until then at that point. the game also saves it there (and you can do before or just use the game save) so…