
time and patience can get you a lot on minecraft

it does change things since it kind of goes on to explain why things are the way they are in the first one. it will also put All Star Batman and Robin in a completely new light (ie.. even more disturbing than you probably consider it before)

. however... this

did you pick up the sequel to it as well?

i would spend to find out.. but it would cut into my Book Budget.. and i’d rather have more books.. they last longer >.>

some gaming.. a game like sim city.. or minecraft might be fine .. well minecraft in creative mode at least.

something to watch till Log Horizon 3 starts

so what’s the statue of limitations for breaking and entering? maybe trespassing. Wouldn’t theft go into this as well?

is there a way to hide the triggers from the map? the mission one so when your character is running around you don’t have to worry about running into one of them and triggering the mission setup.

maybe.. the A-10 is an air to ground as well but I’ve heard from pilots of it being capable of beating Air to Air.

Time machine sounds interesting.. imagine a recreated Rome.. or Carthage.. or Athens.

would be more interesting to make them unique. like if Batgirl died and got trapped on the internet so she is just a program now called Oracle and uses this to control robotbodies or to trigger devices near the criminals to kill them.

i think that some people might also be overlooking the real villains. From the conversation in the oval office it is pretty clear that Dr Sivana was responsible for Brainiac and that President Waller gave him the go ahead. The blood is really all on their hands.

what Robin as a Zombie acrobat? Batgirl as a robotgirl who hacks everything in sight? maybe Catwoman as a werecat Spoiler as a ghost? or Poison ivy as a succubus?

that or build a harem

if you consider the kind of wind he was in at the moment attempting to save them probably would have killed them. they likely would have been torn apart by it whereas in the bus they were terrified but at least safe from the wind and would likely be safe if Superman could end the danger.

i think the difference in this and the last one is this. Batman seemed to enjoy it but this Superman didn’t appear to take any pleasure in killing, it was something he had to do before more people died.

Muldoon survived in the novel... so there is that.

yeah but quite a few switch teams.