kids aren’t what they used to be .. i remember doing so much better at this game at 10.
kids aren’t what they used to be .. i remember doing so much better at this game at 10.
Fallout 3 was in part about fathers and sons/daughters. there are 2 potentially three pairs of father/daughters in the game depending on who you choose for your character. One of the reasons i kind of think the default protagonist for 3 probably was female unlike the other games. 1. Amata and her father 2. Sarah and…
i hope they don’t scale back and force you to have a certain character.
*forgets about every other game in production* :O :O :O :O
other shows like Log Horizon have appeared.
more like sections of it’ll probably fall but others will continue on.. or genres within anime fall. sort of how with movies certain genres fall for a time but come back.. the whole usually doesn’t fall all at the same time.
so is there a webcomic of a programmer sneaking in and pouring a barrel of blue pills into the server that will run no man’s skye?
the scene was in the book it just wasn’t even remotely rape in the book.
might i suggest avoiding history if Game of Thrones is too gross for you.
good thing kusinagi doesn’t have a human body but a cybernetic one in the shape of a human body that can pull off all sorts of things a normal human probably could not. ie far more flexible than the best gymnast
the only implausible part was why in the picture she waited so long to take the shot >.>
just put the tv under a glass table or something like that so the pieces are on the glass not the tv.
that is good since she appears to have been written out of the MCU or she’s there but got fridged without even showing up.
so it’s not Stark in the armor? strange.. his speech pattern suggests he’s one of the original five no banner doesn’t sound like Thor...
F) most writers (especially comic book ones) have no clue how to write a married couple
or for some of us 2015.. he’s not Mark Hamill
wake me up when they make a singleplayer version.