
sorry the opposite is true. Game of Thrones is an exception in that it's far closer to the book than nearly every single show out there.

they are likely going to have one character getting a job and his friends showing up to party at the place then dying one by one till only 1 or 2 are left. just like every other slasher.

nah.. by the time Picard has given the speech he’s already defeated them.. all that is left is to show them their folly. or this

the speech? plenty of time for that... he defeated them one page ago.

Picard could do it in one page.

would be more fun to see the Fallout boy from the fallout universe in the game.

*cough* Upotte *cough*

maybe it would easier to look at it as a trade of value for value. When both sides receive value from it both sides benefit. one from the product of work and the other being payed for that product. When it all goes wrong is when this trade gets skewed.

funny how if someone disagrees with something you label them a hater >.> not everyone is going to like the same things. you like it more power to you.

guess it's a matter of opinion it changes from time to time for me but roughly i guess.. no particular order since if i like it i like it. i kind of put Anime in a different list.

if you are including anime i argue 1-10 should all be anime movies. especially since in no universe can i fathom Avengers or the Dark Knight being better than Akria

rather a minimum of 200 each.. so 200 on foot and 200 in a car for each character and 200 just walking by no interation.

if you are going to do a thing go through it fully and don't whine about not having enough time.. that's no excuse for a shoddy experiment with a low sample size.

an N of 35 is way too low too but it gave the answer they probably wanted so they stopped at a low sample size.

plus to be clear.. it's skeever >.>

after you shoot a couple shots you won't need a scope or a bar.. it's that way in skyrim for me. if it's in range i can hit it because i know how the arrow will fly. so i guess the question is will it be like that? or will it be like earlier games (even if you put the arrow into the model you can still miss if your

this looks like a lot of fun

the point is to show what you can build. If someone finds value in building it and enjoys it then the time itself isn't wasted. Not everyone is going to enjoy the same things, if we did it would be a rather boring world.

many such videos serve as tutorials and those that do not can often give you ideas on how to build or to improve your own build. it all depends on how you use the information.

no mods were used in these builds. the only difference is in the resource packs which only alters how the blocks look not the function of the game itself.