that wasn't really a reboot you know. Franklin Richards put the heroes on another planet, counter-earth, where they lived until they returned to Earth.
they are stuck in a cycle because of all the retcons and soft reboots that they have to keep doing the major reboots, Crisis and 52 and even minor ones like the one that kicked off Pyschoboy prime.. i mean superboy prime.
or it's a shonen story rather than a shojo story.
it's actually spelled right since it's feat as in accomplishment.
i'm guessing they thought 52 universes was more manageable than infinite which is what it was before Crisis on Infinite Earths so they altered it borrowing heavily from the idea of DND cosmology.
it still doesn't work
the nice ones are the ones where you can get your can warmed for you. so hot and cold vending machines :) used to get a can of royal milk tea like that when i got off work while i was stationed in Okinawa.
if the nuke and after effects couldn't get the job done what makes you think Batman could?
at the very least we have an interesting debate i guess.
if i can go further.. the speech he gives was more for the enemies in the Dark Knight strikes back 2 than for Kal-El.
i guess we interpreted the two series differently
could have and what he would do are two different things. i'll explain.. Superman could shove the earth out of orbit.. he wins. not really a good argument. well it might be if it was Superboy Prime that one is a psycho.
declaring victory isn't a victory in itself. Batman won by convincing the world he had died standing up to Superman at a time when Gotham was the safest place in the United States embarrassing those in power.
which was after Superman being in the middle of a nuclear explosion .. and it was after Superman not really trying to win the fight and still Batman couldn't win it. but you are right on one point .. the point of the fight wasn't to win but to let the world think he'd died fighting Superman.
um.. you realize Batman lost that fight right? he threw everything he had at Superman and still couldn't stop him. The only thing that ended the fight was Batman faking his death...
that would probably be the Martian Manhunter and Shazam assuming Shazam isn't splitting his powers at the time.
she couldn't take him even when he was being controlled by Max Lord... all she could manage was to slow him down. it would take using Athena's sword for her to have a chance and a willingness to kill or maim. that or a weapon like Mjolnir which exists in the DC universe as well but it's not like the Marvel version…