
depends.. Darkseid is a God and Superman can handle his punches rather well. he can survive Darkseid's omega beams but they do considerable damage.

or you have to hit a sweet spot certain characters can do it.

not a fan of Miles Morales being Spider-man.

on another note.. doesn't the fact that there are so many possibilities give you hope?

assuming you could prove you actually time traveled as opposed to shifting to a near identical universe.. then you would be the greatest mass murderer in history.

if rockstar confirmed it as canon then that is pretty much how it goes then.

only that it is a possibility. that they could be separate universes with it being possible that there are two different versions of Vice city, one in each.. but the creators of rockstar know for certain.

well not just larger but alos more dense cities that don't feel like ghost towns can work.

i think we are getting there slowly. GTA V feels more like a real city than previous versions did.. but it may take time before we see a true 1-to-1 but the good thing is i think GTA V proves that larger and larger cities can work.

actually we don't. If it is a parallel universe 3D and HD being two separate worlds then they could have had similar but not identical events happen. or ie HD is connected to Vice City but a different pair of events ie there is a 3D Vice city and a separate HD Vice City. So it is a possibility.

assumptions can be dangerous.. if it works like that sure. The Flash for example doesn't just have one power Superspeed but access to the speed-Force so it's an entire power set to include speed and absorb and share speed which is why the Flash can save people without breaking their bones.

sort of why during the first secret war the list of powerful villains were pretty much like this

which completely ignores the metals that are present in the human body.

until you realize that Gravity is a weak force when compared to Electromagnetism.. which Magneto has along with his other powers.

just hope you don't end up like deadpool

you can do far more than that with telekinesis.. think more out of the box. :)

till you trip break and ankle or wrist and have to wait for it to heal... hope the super-speed includes regeneration.

you do realize that if you had the super power of complete molecular control like say.. Firestorm.. or the Molecule Man.. you in essence have every single super power in existence right?

i'll just leave this here

or you can be even lazier and use telepathy to get someone else to do it for you >.>