
Never said he couldn’t shoot, only that he is not a guy who can give you 20-30 MPG and the money would be better spent on a shooter who averages more than 18 mpg for his career. He shot almost six threes per game while only playing about 20 minutes. That’s one three every three minutes, of course he made a bunch. He

I don’t get it either. Bucks have a good young core, why waste like $70 million on Delly/Tetovic? Why not pursue a shooter to spread the court? MCW and Giannis A. can’t shoot but are both good (well GA is great) playmakers, Monroe/Maker inside should be potent and Jabari Parker is a former ROY and potential superstar

Are ya British? Why the fuck did Hodgson let Rashford warm up for like ten minutes before subbing him in?? It was insane! It was clear England needed his pace and energy, but Roy waited forever and it was too little too late. Rashford gave the best chances after the 80th min, if he had came in the 65th minute nor so

So now you can’t read and can’t follow a video?

So you’re going to blatantly ignore the possession at 3:00 when the Cavs DELIBERATELY had LeBron call for a screen to get matched up against Curry?

Now playing

So you ready for a hot, steaming pile of ownage? Watch the possession at 3:00 minutes and the one at 1:45. LeBron called for screens SPECIFICALLY to get Curry on him. How does it feel to be sooo spectacularly wrong?

So a nine minute recap is the entire game? Does it show the two possessions late in the fourth when Curry was switched onto LeBron, who dribbled down the clock and attempted to get in the paint and score but missing both times? I watched your lil RECAP video and nowhere to be found are the Cavs final five possessions

Did you not watch the end of the game? I know there were at least two possessions under two minutes when the Cavs screened particularly to get Curry on LeBron. It was late in the clock and Bron backed Curry down and took two shots that he missed but it was clear they were actively working to get LeBron matched up w

Last night has to be near the top. Not a Cleveland fan, Go Spurs Go!, but seeing Cleveland finally win a title, Bron prove he isn’t human, and the arrogant Warriors getting humbled was pretty awesome.

You’re right about GS but not SA/OKC. They are two of the four smallest media markets in NBA. Only Memphis and New Orleans are smaller in terms of population.

We arent going to change each other’s mind, but I respect your POV bc you’ve argued it coherently and factually without a ton of emotional screaming.

Who determines ‘Undesirable Market’? Past year performance? TV market? Because neither GS/OKC/SA are big TV markets yet all three are more attractive destinations than say Philly. If you go by last year performance, then you have same issuesnwith teams tanking to get that designation.

But how does that system keep teams in 30 cities and huge TV packages that allow players to earn $30mil/year? If you don’t keep at least the illusion of competitiveness for a league, then cities lose teams and the revenue pie shrinks.

How can you determine anything close to Simmons’ approx. worth with a sample size of one year at LSU? Wouldn’t it be logical to give him ~3 years or so and then determine his worth on a free market? In sports, you really are given what teams deem worth. A 19yr old with no NBA experience has a decent amount of worth,

But no business on Earth works like that. Coming out of college and getting an entry level job in any field, you will make significantly less than someone with ten years in said field. There are a ton of talented young writers/physicists/accountants? I guess accountants can be good, but until they prove their worth in

Why is the bulk of salary going to veterans a bad thing? DO YOU HATE OUR TROOPS??!?

My Spades game is decent (I’m decent at any card game that I know) but in my rural Southern area, Rook was what everyone learned and what we played in school or on football trips. Kinda like Spades, except the highest bidntakes a five card kitty, or middle, or widow, and calls one of four colors (black, red, green,

Wweeelllll, you can not say he was being dishonest: Winston was in fact never charged with the sexual assault. Its obvious that the investigation was horrendous and did not have any due diligence, but it is a factual statement.

What East team last year was as good as LA?

That’s absolute idiocy. There are millions of responsible gun owners in the US. Thousands of people hunt or target shoot occasionally. My uncle is a wonderful father, owns several guns, rifles, shotguns and handguns, and he was very responsible for his weapons and always kept them locked and unloaded if he wasn’t