No mention of the questionable-at-best refereeing in the first half that hurt Palace badly? Why not?
No mention of the questionable-at-best refereeing in the first half that hurt Palace badly? Why not?
I had no rooting interest at all by damn that was fun to watch, fun as hell. Liverpool was so dominant for thirty mins but Sevilla was that much better after the break. I wonder how it turns out if the handballs are called or Sturridge doesn’t barely touch the disallowed goal. But Sevilla ate up Liverpool after the…
The Braves were decent at times IN SPITE of Fredi, not bc of him. Ask any Brave fan, I guarantee they are on board with this.
Um,no, the post basically said absolutely nothing. Didn’t mention turnovers (OKC had only two in second half, which was HUGE) or forced shots and bad possessions both which directly led to the OKC win and got 0 mentions in this post.
And I’ve been out of that racket for a while now, or I’d never broadcast it on a blog that could track my IP and location. I don’t want to come off braggart or arrogant, I wasn’t that important and I never made millions or seriously hurt anyone. Some people did, but doing it other ways makes more money and happy…
Nah, even tho I respect the hell out of most strippers, as they aren’t sex workers but entertainers who aren’t giving handjobs in the parking lot or back room. Some do, and give the whole a bad name, but most I met were grounded, independent women who respected their bodies.
Hell I believe any job that has one on one interaction late at night with no other cameras or when people know someone’s home address need safety measures like finger printing and background checks. Fuck Uber if making money is more important that keeping its passengers safe.
I see it as a different view without regards to Uber or Lyft. With the amount of drug and human trafficking that appears in major cities strip clubs, I can see why keep tabs on workers in strip clubs is actually in their own self interest. I believe the same for the drivers, but on the stripper issue, I know without a…
No, because its possible to disagree without immediately being accused of being a woman hating, GOP troll. On Jezebel, if you try to point out even a slight hypocrisy on a feminist issue or try and use logic as to why some events are not as horrible as the blog acts, you Gert hundred of comments thrashing you. If you…
There IS something wrong w you if you can’t admit that axeing the fb program will ruin every other sport at PSU. Football, and men’s basketball, provide almost if not all of the funding for the rest of non revenue sport . Why should the women’s bball, or hockey teams be punished? Those big endowments are usually…
I know io9 has gotten a little aggressive and rough in the comments, but please never compare it to the Jezebel comment section. io9 comments still is 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 to the nth degree better than the Jez comment section.
Atletico is dirty as fuck. Bayern could have had more one PK and several other hard fouls should have been cards.
People can’t say he’s boring either, finished five of his last seven fights IIRC, including two by KO.
He is most def a HOF player in my eyes. At his position, he was one of the best of his era, truly legit both ways, and has two NBA titles and one Finals MVP award. Add in all the AS/All NBA teams, he should clearly be in. After Kobe, D Wade is the best two guard of his era (2003-now). Curry is poised to overtake the…
This is a very, very bad (and honestly, misinformed and short sighted, not something you are very often Tim) take.
Reading this post and the comments, I realize I was young (not for my area, but on the whole) and ended up doing way harder drugs before most even got stoned. But I grew up in a shitty small town with a horrible, like leading the world prescription drug abuse per capita so its not unusual.
That’s why I’m kinda glad when Tyrion or Bronn do horrible things, bc maybe they live longer. On GoT, if you are too nice and decent, you die (except for Brieanne). So when Tyrion sends Myrcella away (which was then right decision for the wrong reason, he did it out of spite) or Bronn leaves Tyrion hanging in the…
To start, I forgot a bout the 67 Sixers, nice catch. But its interesting you go at the guys Shaq played against as being old, yet the same can be said for Wilt. Aside from Russell and Lucas and Pettit, how was he any different? Shaq played at least three years against every player I mentioned plus KG, Webber, Karl…
Yeah, no. 50% HOF centers? Not even close. Name two other elite centers aside from Bill Russell in that era.
Damn that’s one shitty ass take. Early 90s had Isiah and the Pistons, Magic, hobbled Bird and then guys like Hakeem, Ewing, Kemp, Payton, young Kidd, Larry Johnson, Mourning, David Robinson, Malone, Stockton, young Shaq and Penny, and the GOAT. The NBA is great right now, but it was pretty damn great in the 90s too,…