
Dellavedova is the one that made us gasp most, I think.

Yeah Jeets!

Ill have a drink tonight to best coach of the last 50 years. Still wish i could have seem her coach an nba team.

At 70 minutes, I thought Radford would have given them a great chance to draw level. Waiting until 88, was criminal. As soon as he came on his speed showed on the flank. He provide opportunities England hasn’t seen all half in only 5 minutes. Hodgson was bad. Joe Hart was terrible.

Yeah, Rashford on with 5 minutes left? Bad managing.

The Vardy substitution is nothing. He waited until the 88th minute to bring in Rashford.

I think Sterling should have been benched after the first game and they should have started Rashford. He is young, but he actually drives towards the goal.

“It says something about the outrageous quantity of quality Spain have”

(Yea, no, you and Greg just inexplicably keep repeating this line like it’s holy writ since before the 2014 Cup, and it’s been conclusively demonstrated over the past two years that Spain is no longer anything like the best team in the world. That

God, I can’t believe he didn’t sign for Arsenal a few years back. They’re like a match made in choking heaven.

“The problems on its face wit an Undesirable Market tag is one, its pretty degrading to a team and two, it would change every year and fans would have an hard time keeping up with the changes every year unless the NBA released their formula and it was relatively simple.”

I am a lifelong Warrior fan. I have suffered through a conga-line of indignities over the year. While I have enjoyed the past two seasons mightily. I have alwaysknown that this would all come crashing down one day because Joe Lacob is a self important boob, and will never, ever pass up a moment to steal credit,

My favorite LeBron-related stat: The last FIVE NBA Finals MVPs have either been LeBron (2012, 2013, 2016) or the opponent with primary responsibility of guarding LeBron (Kawhi Leonard in 2014 and Andre Iguodala last year) because they slowed him down just enough and his teammates couldn’t win without him dominating.

When I saw the line-up last night, I knew that we were going to get murdered. Please let this be the last stand of retreads like Wondo and Beckerman.


Perhaps if Riley convinced his billionaire owner to sacrifice by paying the luxury tax the year before in order to keep the team together, he could have better convinced a not-billionaire that everybody there was sacrificing. Instead, they traded away assets important to James to avoid paying the repeater tax.

“There was also no torrential downpour from either of the Splash Brothers”

I’ve always been a LeBron hater, felt he had it easy in the east and with his all star teams. Didn’t seem fair he could coast to the finals every year. Felt like the Jordan and even kobe comparisons were BS. Always knew he was physically the best made player in the NBA. Didn’t think he had the mental game and didn’t

Hey Argentina:

You think a guy who wants a long term contract with the Jets gives a damn about winning.

That’s the kind of sports baby skill that you can’t teach. It just comes naturally or it doesn’t.