
One of the many reasons that Tinder-style dating apps are the worst.

There’s no inherent sin in mediocrity; as you said, most people are just average. But most people also want to date better than they perceive themselves, one way or another. So if he’s a solid 8 in the looks, but a 4 in the emotional intelligence, he might have to do better ‘cause coasting on his looks might not be

Good. Do better, mediocre men.

Errbody’s got bills to pay, therapy is hella expensive, and she’s been performing her entire life - it’s not like she can just go temp in an office to keep the lights on.

Unless you’re talking about 90's Disneyland, which the answer there is Paul Pressler.

He was, in what was clearly just a scripted version of himself. From the wikipedia page on NewsRadio:

Competing with Andy Dick to be the worst thing to come out of Newsradio is an ... interesting choice. 

You could at least spell the woman’s name right. It’s Katharine, not Katherine.

From a child development perspective, I don’t hate this. Little kids want to do what the adults are doing, and pretend play is really important to cognitive development. I’m kinda surprised this didn’t already exist, tbh.

What in the actual fuck. 

Is it possible that the reports of Biden’s team considering Republican’s for cabinet (and other) roles is more Russian misinformation?

What is this chocolate graham cracker snack you refer to? THAT sounds magically delicious!

*ahem* Katharine. With an ‘a’.

How dare you insult the glory of Heathers with this comparison.

It wasn’t high school, but elementary/junior high 10-year, at a local pool hall/nightclub. I (female) brought a friend (also female) I had a flirty thing with and we basically NRE’d our way through all the awkward conversations. Weirdly, I haven’t heard from any of them since, or been invited to any 15/20/25 year

Plausible deniability.

Dear Miss Rhode Island,
My boob sweat would like a word with you. It’s hot af in SoCal today.

I dunno. That sounds like plausible deniability to reject any contestants that aren’t like, Kinsey-zero straight.

As long as teachers continue to share online tips and tricks for shielding their students from the threat of gun violence, as if they were simply sharing book recommendations or math worksheets, in lieu of explicitly demanding gun reform, teachers will continue to carry the overwhelming burden of keeping their

This is gorgeous! #allthehearteyes