Most people are mediocre.
Most people are mediocre.
If it’s any reassurance, most women aren’t disparaging “mediocre” men for having mediocre looks, intelligence, jobs, etc. The mediocrity we want to avoid is the historical mediocrity of men’s contribution to relationships. E.g., expecting the woman to be attuned and attentive to his needs and wants without trying to…
Not for nothing, but expectations for childcare alone perfectly demonstrate how men are “mediocre.” Guy gets a standing ovation for picking up his child from school and “babysitting” while mom is out. MOM is the one that likely had to tell him to pick up the kid and schedule pickup privileges with the school- and if…
This is an interesting aspect I never thought of. After all, if the doctor now isn’t the final word on what’s best for his/her pregnant patient, then what’s to stop any woman from demanding that they induce labor prematurely? Sure, it’s not what the doctor would normally do, but fuck it, he ain’t the boss anyway.
This exactly. I think that, in general over the years, folks have been needlessly hard on Kevin. The fact is that, by all accounts, he raised good kids and took good care of them. And he was put into a pretty rough situation that would be challenging for anyone to face, let alone to raise kids in. It’s not like…
Larry seems to be doing an excellent job raising Dannielynn.
Can’t help but feel like the past two waves of feminism are a failure. Failed our future daughters, granddaughters, nieces, etc. This was a 40-year effort that our side neglected and just watched happen. It will be our legacy.
I don’t know, feel like Louis C.K. winning a Grammy was a pretty big slap.
I was born in ‘81. So I had an 80s/90s hybrid childhood. I missed out on that 80s teen fun and fashion. One thing a lot of young people don’t understand about the 80s? The paranoia. The misguided war on drugs had us all convinced a stranger would jump out at us and force us to take angel dust. We also had police come…
I’m laughing at the idea of Taylor Swift being immature.
Charming, wholesome men are sexy. John Legend, Paul Rudd, Russell Wilson types who project security, safety. Ever wake up to a man smiling at you with kind eyes? Instant horniness. That shit is sexy.
Well who hasn’t, at some point in their life, fallen in love with Stockard Channing!
Honestly, I think he’s too much of a cowardly little shit to kill himself. It takes a degree of courage to do that (not saying anyone *should* or that everyone who does deserves some kind of admiration).
The Republic of California, after entering into free trade agreements with Canada, Mexico, the EU, Great Britain, Japan, Australian, Vietnam, Singapore, Taiwan, and South Korea, would be an unstoppable economic juggernaut and I would proudly burn my American passport for that vision.
IMHO Ben Affleck was great in Gone Girl.
On the one hand, Ellen Pompeo fought tooth and nail to be paid equitably and considered an anchor on the show when the network tried to say it was all Patrick Dempsey.
How about for every Gabby Petito story Jezebel publishes, you publish two stories about BIPOC women who are missing and/or murdered?
I came up with the term “NACHO” as a sort-of acronym based on “non-cis-hetero,” intended to include everyone who’s a gender, sexual, or romantic minority. That way we don’t have to keep tacking letters on or arguing about what each letter means. Plus, everyone loves nachos!