
Owning one of these, I don't want to accept that it's cute. But from some angles, you just can't argue...


Nice trolling.

That must be a viral ad for the product displayed on the billboard. Whatever it is...

It's a Lada Samara.

Now playing

Derail a tram and you can get away even from a Ferrari...

I'm turning on the windshield washer. The ones on my car are so fierce that half of the water goes to the (tailgating) car behind. It's a joy to see them slow down and start their wipers :)

You can use the brakes very softly to make the emergency lights on but not slow down your car,

All jalops are invited to İstanbul Auto Show next year.

That Stratos at 1:36. Oh.. My.. God...

Answer to the question is easy: Renault.

VOTE: Nexus 7

Wait till you see the interior.

So, would you prefer a WRX instead of a WRX-STI?

That's not a new thing.

Sir, please consider the possibility that Subaru has a better history adding power to the cars than you.

Well, I guess the image of the brand in general is putting me off. Apart from that, in Turkey, VW's distributor company is really a pain in the ass with expensive but low quality service, and I hear they treat people like sh*t in the showrooms as they are selling *a lot* of cars nowadays.

MiTo is $30k USD in Turkey. GTI starts from $26k.

Agreed. No other 170HP car here at that price (except Polo GTI which I don't consider a car).

Audi drivers (read douchebags) in Istanbul never use their turn signals so no problem here.