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5 stars yet I can't stop thinking that my average speed is way higher than NCAP's test speed.

So women are buying it?

My commute starts from one continent and ends in another, a total of 10kms. Most of the time, the view makes it enjoyable.

By the way, the guy's name is "Berk". "Atatürk Oto San." is the name of the industrial zone (dedicated to cars - repairs, parts shops etc.) he is working at. :)

I'm a Turkish car enthusiast. Ask me anything you want. I'll have my beer tonight anyway...

I thought you became free in 1776. Britain started using 24-hour clock in 1900s.

He is not 'put' there, OK? He is working as a left indicator. You know. His tongue. Err, sorry...

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I challenge the title. What's happening at 0:45 is incredible.

I wouldn't guess green would look so good with red. This car is beautiful.

More powerful CAD software? Previous Leon was designed by (a team lead by) Walter de Silva.

I think he would make the u-turn anyway. That's why he started so fast in the first place, we wanted to finish the (illegal) u-turn before the cars in the opposite lane arrived.

Wow, if that was in Turkey, the driver of the SUV was beaten five or six times before that video ends...

It's an 8C. Great car nonetheless..

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Meanwhile in Turkey. Camera guy is shouting "Cops! Cops!" His laughing towards the end always makes me smile..

In Russia, sound travels faster than light.

Not a single 'car' is destroyed in that scene. :)

I basically grew up with this show. It was once very popular in Turkey as one of the protagonists of the show was a Turkish detective in Germany.

Putting aside being totally wrong, sir, how can you be sure that it's a '430'? :)

He is right, OK? *This* is what is called a gas crYsis!

Why is this a car crime again?