C. Montgomery Burner

Will this one get overrun by bears too? Here’s hoping.

It’s almost as if having easy access to venture capital doesn’t mean you’re a genius or know anything about how the world works.

Uh, did you miss the part about a light turning on on the device? /s

For a bunch of whiners who constantly complain and hate the mainstream media, they sure do want the mainstream media to cover them!

Well, I got news for you: painkillers will get you high no matter your age

“The sentiment behind the PERRY Act makes sense.”

Never heard that, but Harris speaks about almost getting killed himself, and being pissed at Cameron, on the old DVD.

I thought Ed Harris punched Cameron in the face because he himself almost drowned.

It’s almost poetic, the irony.

agreed, i very much enjoy VR games but thats really all theyre god for. ive tried using it for a “big screen” to play regular games via virtual desktop or to watch movies and its just not a comfortable or pleasant experience on any VR device ive used

How much is the subscription option where they produce less garbage and control budgets to reasonable levels (looking at you LoTR show) so that they save money enough to not introduce ads? Is there a tier for that?

It’s very dumb, but also funny. 

Let’s talk about the bigger controversy: Crusher calling Riker “Bill” instead of “Will”! 

Come on, though...first contact with Raxicoricofallipatorious would be long as we get to stop at Clom on the way...

Yeah, I don’t think this is as funny as a standard Lower Decks episode, but it’s fine for a few minutes of riffing. Better than say, a full episode of Doctor Who about farting aliens.

That was the exact right length for that level of joke.  The fear is that Lower Decks would have done it for 8 times as long.

She knows the lyrics? As in she is listening to musicals in her car? To Beetlejuice... Is she one step away from promoting the Live Action “The Little Mermaid”?

Come here. Live blooper.” I’m going to see if I can get that one to work in real life.

Definite Sealab vibes. This is not a bad thing.