C. Montgomery Burner

UFO believers often conflate these two questions:

No. And anyone who gives their payment info to TikTok is an idiot.

Now playing

So basically the Fury is the Extreme Deep Invader AI-piloted aircraft from Stealth brought to life:

Exactly this. There are very large and cohesive Jewish communities in and around the major “blue” cities. I’m sure that the Jewish enclaves in the Detroit and Cleveland suburbs would be startled to hear that they’re supposed to be living on the coasts.

Because it always works, white supremacists never change.

This is why going away to college reduces bigotry (as long as you don’t go to Liberty or something) and why the trans people are such an inviting target these days. When you meet people with different backgrounds and realize they are just people it is harder to demonize them. The trans population is very small so a

Gotta go back to the basics / stick with what you know.  Pick either for Musk probably...  

They use scapegoats like Jewish and black people because it’s “easy”. The 1/3rd of the country that lives in midwestern flyover states probably don’t even know a Jewish person. Even if they’ve met one, they probably didn’t realize it.

They’ve probably met a black person, but maybe don’t even have a black family in

i prefer this for all my food-related app activity:

Here's my tip for making toast, but first let me talk about the recessive genes that are present throughout my family tree. 

Yeah I'm never ever ever ever going to use this or anything like it. My mind is kind of boggled that anyone would want this...

Will it be 99% content that is not the recipe like all the other food sites?

Man, all of this stuff about “is Marrok one of these past Rebels characters?!” or “Where does the end of Ep. 2 fit in with the ending of Rebels?” or “Will Ahsoka spend lots of dealing with Ahsoka’s character arcs in Clone Wars and Rebels?” really makes me glad that my sum total knowledge of Ahsoka Tano before her Mando

“just ignore our previous comments about the moderators, we value their opinions”

“We wanted better tools.”
“We are tools, so we decided to give you pretty, shiny, meaningless badges.”

I’m so looking forward to the next round of the “Find Out” stage of Reddit’s continued downfall of:  “Screw You, Pay Us.” or “We All Quit.”

Please limit yourself to two (2) pizza emojis at the virtual pizza party 🍕🍕

So just like the blue check marks on exTwitter, it’s a way to let people know that you *really* like the taste of boot ot polish.

Wow it's like the "instead of bonuses we're having a pizza party" thing that businesses do, but even worse. At least then you get a meal. 

Working for a billion dollar corporation for free is the height of dipshitery. Some people get a good wank on the mod life I guess. 

I lost the world’s smallest violin yesterday so I can’t play a pitiful dirge for the studios.