C. Montgomery Burner

I wonder what the number is? I hope he stamped his feet like the petulant child he is when he saw. 

He, just like his Mandaddy, Donny “Two Scoops” Trump are very predictable.

I’m sure that’s a big part of it, but considering how many users mass blocked thousands of blue checks when they started appearing at the top of posts, I’m sure blocking has had a diminishing effect on engagement for those users. And that in turn affects the subscriber bonuses he’s paying to a bunch of white wing

I bet he just saw the data that showed just how many people have him blocked and it hurt his little man baby feelings. He really is a pathetic human being. 

> “A page’s load speed affects an article or site’s search engine rankings, with quickly loading sites appearing higher on Google which prioritizes sites that load in no more than 2.5 seconds”

Make me wait 5 seconds to see what Nazi he’s following or amplifying next?

For me, as someone who would only really see tweets because they were embedded in news articles, I would click on the tweet and then try to read the responses, but those have been turned off for months now. So it’s absolutely useless to anyone who isn’t logged in. 

He also just killed Tweetdeck for anyone who isn’t paying.

don’t forget pages (like this) that have multiple adds with autoplay videos breaking up the blog after every 3 lines of text

Isn’t twitter nothing but bots now? I deleted mine before Musk took over, but from the outside looking in now, it sounds like a haunted mansion w/ the lights on with nothing but ghouls running around, and a miserly old man clutching on to an ever fleeting dream of what was his greatness.

People are becoming increasingly impatient with slow-loading sites which can affect their opinion of a business or website

Thought these fuckers hated the FBI now?

Isn’t that what’s already happening with Twit- I mean, ‘X’?

“In Hawaiʻi, many use an umbrella to block the sunlight as they walk about during the day.”

“asteroid” not “comet”

How about we do what we’re supposed to do and stop pumping our atmosphere full of burned fossil fuels instead of coming up with harebrained solutions like this

- It’s simple, this is what needs to be done.

“Yeah, no. Anything but that. Anyways, onto more feasible solutions: How about moving the earth near Mars orbit

Shielding the planet from 1.7% of the Sun’s rays means reducing global photosynthesis by 1.7%. So this suggestion would have a severe effect on all terrestrial / shallow oceanic life, while also blunting the climate impact since the Earth’s natural carbon sinks (forests and algae) won’t be operating as effectively.

Isn’t the area behind a comet positively filled with the debris that comes off of it? Seems like it would make quick work of that shield. 

Just another corporate effort to avoid doing the right thing by proposing crackpot schemes instead. A five year old could come up with better strategies than this absurd nonsense.

Elon's a bitch. Shocking.