C. Montgomery Burner

I suspected that the Disney influences came in the shape of the new UNIT Tower that echoed the Avengers Tower, and that full-on musical number in the Christmas special.

There’s a reason why one of the things Twelve said before regenerating was “always try to be nice, but never fail to be kind”. The Doctor is ALWAYS kind, but sometimes they have to work on the “nice” part, depending on the incarnation...

Important note: the Doctor did not, in fact, reveal any future information to the cop. He made an educated guess. Very different for a time traveler 😁

Exactly! It was there with 11 and Capaldi, a whole arc for Capaldi to be kind and warm, but Jodie scripts had her be so forcefully awkward, distant and inhuman, like blowing off a companion discussing their cancer survival?? Wtf? Suddenly being self conscious, awkward and socially inept after millenia of never caring

That’s thanks to all of 14's therapy I suspect.

Gatwa’s Doctor comes across as more empathetic and more in touch with his humanity and kindness.

For once, a suit made a good call; by the end of this scene I was fully reassured Gatwa was going to crush this role. 

I don’t mind the current state of digital assistants. All I need them for is simple no-look answers. Weather. ML to ounces while cooking. Name of a director or actor when I know the movie. Real simple stuff. I don’t need deep conversations or AI type responses. I’ll actually use a computer for that stuff and find out

I’ll place $1 on “Ruby’s mom is Ruby, which is why the genetic search turned up no other matches”.

Grok actually is fairly reminiscent of Eddie the Computer, based on the examples in the article.

I feel like at least a real world Right Wing Keyboard Warrior would take the time to scroll through my old posts to specifically make fun of my dyed hair and call me effeminate. These roasts feel so generic you could use them on anyone.

Wow, the “anti-woke” AI’s burns are just as contrived and pathetic as if it were a real right wing keyboard warrior trying to best me on some comment board. LOL

I’ll go for only a couple of million!  You can have the rest.

yes let’s disrupt the massively useful tech and make it clunkier and harder to use

Also, the information it gives about the almonds are wrong.

Isn’t this what Amazon really wishes their employees have? An ideal tracking device that can issue instructions, answer questions, provide communications, but sans that nasty distracting screen? This seems ideal for employers that are large enough / powerful enough to say “no, you may NOT have your phone at work,

A+ for effort. F- for consumer research.

More like Picard.  This is a comm badge.  Didn’t have those in TOS.  :)

i had a long comment but i cant delete my post so im editing it to say this device, whatever the fuck its supposed to do, is stupid.

About the size of a theft magnet.