Bone broth and IVs, what else could you ask for?
Bone broth and IVs, what else could you ask for?
She forgot the best part: Get a chance to meet her really cool mom, Blythe Danner.
Sure, but Phony Stark is willing to pay his pet lawyer to threaten baseless lawsuits, in the hopes that maybe the target doesn’t know what anti-SLAPP laws are.
Twitter can’t pay its rent. It doesn’t have the money to pay for baseless lawsuits.
This is just a reminder that Twitter didn’t ban Kanye in December for hate speech. Kanye spent several weeks doing insane racist stuff (he told Alex Jones that he loved Hitler, he claimed Elon was a half-Chinese genetic hybrid, cozied-up with Nick Fuentes and Candace Owens, and tweeted a bizarre Star of David/Swastika…
Can’t wait for the future where instead of putting a gun to your head and asking for your wallet, robbers just walk around with spoons so they can scoop your eyeball out.
Because child birth is a punishment for sex. It also explains how fucking gross they are when it comes to rape.
Came here to say the same thing.
Conservatives o9nly care about making babies, once they’re born, screw em, no parental leave, no day care, no health care, no assistance, no meals, no education, etc.. Something about a great replacement theory, white genocide, etc..
Yeah but as a non-US citizen, thankfully Musk can’t run for President because you know he would.
No, there’s not. In the US, at least, anyone can call Twitter anything they please, and journalists have the same rights we all do.
This. So. Fucking. Much.
1,000%. That man is utterly incapable of keeping anything secret if it’s the slightest bit cool. He would’ve been all over a secret like that. He’d be telling people “Now, this is a super secret thing, I can’t tell you, so I didn’t tell you, but aliens are real. I know! Blew my mind. Can you believe it? And…
Is there any sort of legal requirement for journalists (Or Gizmodo, lol) to call Twitter by its new and completely dumb name? I mean, if say The New York Times just continues to call it Twitter, can they be sued or otherwise harassed with Cease and Desist letters?
Elon ‘Apartheid Profiteer’ Musk is becoming indistinguishable from Donald ‘Brothel Beneficiary’ Trump.
or course he would. he hasnt talked to any of them since they were born.
It’s particularly surprising coming from Musk, who has a penchant for calling his enemies pedophiles and made loud, self-celebratory pronouncements about how he was stepping up child safety efforts at the company.
That was sarcasm, the whole thing....? Right? Right? Please tell me it was sarcasm... please! (or if not, really, please see someone, you are not well, you need help)
Yeah, I don’t buy any of this. Why would all the countries cooperate, why haven’t there been leaps in tech based on Alien ships? Why would they even come here? Why would they even send anything biological, if anything it would be a drone/ai bot. Why have all the UFOs for the last 70 years looked nothing like what ever…