I’m not saying it’s a small town. I’m just saying Aldean is a pissant with an inferiority complex because he’s from a chickenshit excuse for a city.
I’m not saying it’s a small town. I’m just saying Aldean is a pissant with an inferiority complex because he’s from a chickenshit excuse for a city.
Well it’s the “do now, ask for forgiveness later” mindset, and that approach does work better than never taking chances. (But it also requires a type of personality that doesn’t give a crap about others or fairness).
I’d love to see him try just to see how much money he loses.
LiTtLe pInK hOuSeS bAbAy I lOvE tHaT sOnG
That whole thing looks and sounds like porn.
I find that seems to be true of everyone worth more than fifty million dollars.
This tracks for our timeline.
Yes, yes, but those aren’t TECH! They’re OLD! They’re not NEEDLESSLY COMPLEX! They’re not DISRUPTIVE!
Dude, haven’t you heard? By invoking the term “tech sector” around...whatever business you’re running, the average idiots - especially the financier classes - will forgive you for any level of fuckup.
My first reaction: the writers haven’t come anywhere close to earning this yet, especially given how clunky this season has been. I guess we’ll see the Gorn or anything else resembling a main plot arc in Episode 10.
Totally possible, a common phrase I have heard is “I can get this same yield dumping the money in a savings account, why should I go with something that has risk?”
Speculating here: Not too costly to do, too costly to give shareholders returns better than they can get elsewhere. I wish these could be run as co-ops.
Controversial take (without having seen it yet): this is dumb, doesn’t belong in Star Trek, and shouldn’t have been done.
Sounds even whackier, and at least as nasty to his employees as Elon!
The key to these, I think I may have seen these before but did not realize it was a musk product, they are buying warehouse/industrial spaces in cold climates and are able to compress the space with hydroponics. The concept is neat, being able to grow acres and acres of greens within a small space in a cold place like…
shades and a HVAC system...like every commercial greenhouse.