C. Montgomery Burner

Boron is one of those micronutrients which can be tolerated up to a point.  If the boron levels exceed ‘that point,’ then it becomes a poison.  Ask any cockroach.  It works the same for plants.  It is a micronutrient to a point, and then, WHAM.  Instant death and sterilization of the soil. 

Maybe banning tiktok wouldn’t be so bad...

Jesus Christ. If people actually do this, they are going to be in a lot of trouble.

Just smelling Borax should be enough to tell you that your body doesn’t want you to ingest it.

A black woman who spent 20 years working for the liberal communist marxist socialist NY Times!

In fairness, the Florida Department of Miseducation did not adopt the proposed standards detailing how Black people benefited from managed breeding and the injection of European traits into their bloodlines.

I mean what is there to be known about the violence in the Ocoee massacre. While who fired the first shot isn’t know, it’s pretty well documented a group of armed White people showed up after a prominent member of the community tried to vote (who may have had a pistol on him or in his car (but considering he wasn’t

It’s kind of hard to notice in the write up, but the jury’s verdict was that Ms. Carroll did not provide sufficient evidence that Trump’s penis was inserted.

Worth quoting for the people who might just think yeah it’s bad and move on:

Worth quoting for the people who might just think yeah it’s bad and move on:

Can’t wait for someone to wander in here and explain why these actual rocket scientists are stupid and don’t REALLY understand how great crypto is.

Her connection is that “the photograph wasn’t locked down so she stole it”

Am I missing something or is her “collection of NFTs” one NFT?

Not one of his KKKlan Fans will ever hear of this.

What’s her connection to this event? She was born after it happened, and then she spent decades living in a foreign country that contributed nothing to the technology or missions. Across her entire lifetime, she has only ever held two jobs: prostitute and model. Has she ever even taken a science class (astronomy or any

PSA: Don’t take Kratom.

PSA: Don’t take Kratom.

“’Scuse me, gotta go pick up my Junior Prom date at the middle school.”

I was addicted to the leaf powder for 2 years.  It caused psychotic delusions.  Just recently got off it for 2 months now and i can’t believe how messed up my head was from that green sludge.  Marketing Kratom in this way is how i got addicted, believing it was on the same level as caffiene, it is not. 

I was addicted to the leaf powder for 2 years.  It caused psychotic delusions.  Just recently got off it for 2

Come to G/O Media for all your drugs!!

Come to G/O Media for all your drugs!! her boyfriend was already an adult when he started dating a teenager. 😒

How long do we think until the “one good cop” who reported it disappears?

“DPS spokesperson Travis Considine told the newspaper that no anti-water policy exists.”