C. Montgomery Burner

Well apparently Nathan Fillion just got cast as Guy Gardner , so my dreams of a BWAH-HA-HA era JLI movie are a tiny bit closer to reality , so its possible ...

I might be the only person in the theater that weekend, but damn right I'm gonna show up for a Latino superhero. 🇲🇽🇲🇽🇲🇽

user name checks out because I read your post in his voice - with a distinct crescendoed and staccatoed “dick”

Musk proposed “a literal dick measuring contest.”

“I’d totally kick your ass but my mom said no.”

I kinda wondered the same thing, but someone pointed out that the amount of money the Saudis are losing here is pretty much a rounding error and the upside play to basically codify Twitter as a tool to crack down on dissent (something they’d already been using it for for years) was worth it, with the downside play of

This from the guy whose mommy had to help get him out of a fight...

Everyone trolling Musk over this - and then Musk calling Zuck a “Cuck” about it (that was real, right?) - has been splendiferous to behold.

I’m becoming more and more convinced that “The Great Filter” is just Kessler Syndrome.

All owned by a guy who replies with a poop emoji

There must be a limit to how many avoidance maneuvers each satellite can make, given that propulsion would be based on some kind of on-board fuel. When it’s near empty, do they just use the remaining fuel to push the satellite into the atmosphere for a fiery death? Or just turn on the blinkers with a casual “YOLO”?

#NotaLawyer - It’s probably more of a clarification of the law. In the event you could find a lawyer to defend you, said lawyer could argue that “it’s not a real child, thus no children were involved and no law was broken.” Now that argument won’t hold up.

“From 1935 to 1945, absolutely nothing happened.”

Threads, just like its parent app, is nothing more than a place for brands and vapid influencers to get as many parasocial relationships spun up as possible so they can fleece the rubes.

In addition to the obvious racist comments he’d spew, I assume it would include the phrase “jet fuel can’t melt steel beams”

What does he call the Tulsa Race Massacre? The Tulsa Human Massacre?

Oh man, I would LOVE to see this guy in front of a classroom of 10th or 11th graders trying to give a lesson on the massacre without discussing race.

“So, in the late 1930's, Germany found itself in conflict with a number of neighbouring nations, although its leadership only wanted success and security for its own people...”

“A bunch of heathens were jealous of the prosperity of America - a country founded by our lord and savior Jesus Christ - and tried to destroy its biggest landmarks, built in the imageof the two pieces that make up the holy Cross....”

“Well, a bunch of sand people - you remember sand people from Star Wars right? ...”