C. Montgomery Burner

yeah, this sounds like it would have been illegal already with existing child pornography laws... if I had to guess I would say this is more of the fear mongering for votes. The right is claiming everything from rainbows to drag shows is “sexualizing our children”...

Amazingly, there are still people in this country who think Kanye is not only an admirable guy with all his shit together, but competent to run a school. I got nothin’.

Well said.

When Republicans fight with Republicans... we all win!

Is there anything they did right?

Cultists gonna cult.

I don’t like glass either but JFC you gotta put something to cover the skylight, Ye.

Why would you send your children here? It doesn’t make sense to me. A building with no windows, books, or supplies. Is there anything they did right?

You know, i know they are both morons, and i get that, but sometimes it feels like we focus on them, and like chip roy and paul Gosar strike me as more dangerous, more irrational, have more seniority and power, but we let them slide because the two trailer trash women are messy. we can mock them, but it feels like we

just another antisemite having his shit together. yep. 

Even with all this evidence, it’s Florida so I can see why the prosecutor went with a lesser crime. Manslaughter with a firearm carries a minimum of 9.25 years so that’s better than nothing.

They knew what they were doing when they made it a subjective fear test rather than objective. Basically, so any crazy with a gun just has to prove that whatever they’re scared of was in the vicinity when they opened fire.

Part of the Florida Statute -

Yes. It’s Florida. That is all by design.

Lorincz repeatedly called the cops on neighborhood kids for “trespassing,” even though the kids were playing on publicly shared property.

A Karen calling the cops because someone called her a Karen is the most Kareny thing a Karen could ever do.

Hell, as a practical application it’s not even “fear they’re in imminent danger,” it’s “later claim that they feared they were in imminent danger.”

Killer Karen

Mary is right Karen is a name.

Stand Your Ground laws that allow people to defend themselves with deadly force if they fear they’re in imminent danger”