C. Montgomery Burner

Okay, you’ve decided to move on to personal insults and I’m not interested. Goodbye.

That isn’t what I said at all. So you have now both deflected and lied. To what end, I don’t know.

So you don’t have an answer. You could have just said so.

So the better thing for him to do would be what, sit in his office and wait for legislation to pass his desk that will solve the gun problem forever?

Showing solidarity with his constituents during an important protest of gun violence? Absolutely.

If only the ceiling had a gun...

So you think the few minutes he spent doing this is going to somehow hinder his work on gun control?

Are we really shitting on someone for protesting gun violence?

So, long story short, if Lamb’s victory holds, it will be largely symbolic

These so-called patriots never respect the flag code.


“The bottom line: The Russians did commit active measures against our election in ’16, and we think they will do that in the future,” Mr. Conaway said. But, he added, “We disagree with the narrative that they were trying to help Trump.”

The Handmaid’s Tale except all the handmaids are married to the same man and they are all very happy.

I think many white people are unaware of the concept of ‘passing’ and probably have no idea some of the ‘white’ people they know aren’t white.

How the hell did Getty get a photo of her smiling? She’s the biggest sourpuss I’ve ever seen.

The article doesn’t go on to say what Ivanka’s portfolio is. I’m guessing because she doesn’t have one beyond making Daddy happy.

Amazing how someone can say so much and yet say so little...

It probably will turn people off, but the people it will turn off were never going to vote for her anyway. In fact, the idea of voting for a woman would probably be abhorrent to them. So fuck them.

He said he has the best memory.