I Am No One

to be clear, just because the emulators on there doesn’t meant they actually work that well

My jaw hit the floor when I learned of this. Melania may be many things, but she did not deserve that humiliation. Obama and Michelle walking her in almost made me cry. HE IS SUCH A PIG.

I skimmed over your statement, so I originally thought you were proposing just flat out making the women themselves 7 feet tall with fusion cannons, defense matrix(es? however you spell it), boosters, and a self-destruct. Doesn’t matter; I can get behind the idea either way.

Only the most genetically superior turkey handpicked by Steve Bannon

(On this one thing) I am on your side, Melania; dont do any of the First Lady bullshit if you dont want to. First Ladyisnt a paid position, so I dont see why she should be expected to do a whole bunch of work.

Is this the movie poster for Rocky IV Loko?

An intern they snagged who took one shot with her iphone and booked.

The ghost of birthdays past

You’re assuming Kirk’s not operating a remote camera!

That’s my kind of party.

Oh cripes, and now I’m crying at my desk. I’m still expecting to wake up from this nightmare, but I keep pinching myself and nothing is happening. Except bruises.

“Oh yeah? well if you’re so smart YOU TURN ON THE LIGHTS!!”

Just make him go left!

For some reason, Steve Bannon reminds me of this guy.

Because cops overreact all the time. Open carry has nothing to do with this. It wasn’t a kidnapping they were investigating. It was a civilian’s misunderstanding of something they had seen. There’s no need to draw your weapon unless you perceive danger. Cops should make that call, not just draw. That’s how innocent

This is just one prong of the protest effort. Folks who can’t take part in the strike will have many, many other opportunities.

Lincoln didn’t even stay for the end of the play.

Even their booing of Goodell is tainted. Everyone else hates him because of bullshit like punishing weed worse than domestic violence, covering up CTE, or arbitrary bullshit like punishing players for celebrating or wearing the wrong shoes.