I Am No One

I wish the guys making these would think about sound directionality; yay, they’ve figured out how to use a matrix reverb plugin and highpass filter, but they didn’t apply a compressor, mixdown the sound to mono, and stick the result slightly to your right. Where’s the attention to detail?!

They’d just hire guys along the way.

I like the Soviet version, Duranski Duranski

Playing Candy Crush = Filthy Casual

We were a leader mostly because he had half the world’s nukes and sold weapons to everyone who liked us or hated the other country with the rest of the nukes.

I’m reminded of the Chris Rock joke where a black man has to be extraordinary to do what regular white folks do every day. In this case, be acquitted of crimes you actually committed.

Their twitter account went from being run by a woman to being run by a dude... no creativity, just punches.

Both those guys ended up Trail Blazers...

Johnson fell over to prevent rolling his right ankle. He felt it start to roll and let himself fall instead of try to use that foot to keep himself upright.

Best to just assume anyone who is using their hands to do anything other than George Jetson some numbers around a computer screen is not making enough money. 

Playing “Just the tip” with your fucking car nose is not yeilding, guys.

Blazers fan here; I still remember when KD goaltended our shot at the end of the game and sent our season into a tailspin with a well-placed “tough shit”. I hope OKC loses every game they play in dirty and unfair ways, forever.

You can’t convince me that’s not the same actress in two different wigs doing some weird SNL sketch.

He looks like a low-polygon PS1 version of himself.

Congrats on barely beating the Kings, Russ!

Like being a snowboarder who wins gold at downhill skiing, you don’t know you’re doing it “wrong”. Also, like being a snowboarder who wins gold at downhill skiing, the comparable people in your newfound field must be pretty weak to beat them so easily.

My son’s midnight feeding has made watching live Olympics the brightest joy of my evenings.

I hear it as a sort of pause then a disgusted utterance... “I have seen your land, your people, your... Harvey Weinstein... I am not impressed.”

Looking at the headline pic, I feel like I need to see Freckle simply replace Robyn in every new music video she does, to see if (a) anyone notices, and (b) things don’t somehow improve (if that’s possible)

The ASG pre-game ceremonies were like getting a birthday party planned by your grandmother who thinks she’s with it and hip still, but doesn’t quite understand that store brand and name brand aren’t the same thing.