I Am No One

Almost like organizations that relentlessly self-select for white supremacist authoritarians over the course of decades would feel their calling is not based on the letter of the law, but on the implied racial motivators that had been dog-whistled for years.

Satire has been killed by Poe’s Law.

I always put the charger in my carry on or vice versa, never in the same bag... I used to think I was being paranoid.

I think that’s implied in the “in person” part. How would anyone get access to a politician without a dozen greased palms?

Yeah that’s definitely where I end up every time as well. I just can’t stop visualizing the amount of abuse required to turn a human child into Donald Trump, and that makes me ache a bit.

Yeah I’m having trouble reconciling my revulsion and hate with my overactive empathy instinct.

Hell, I trust the Reagan astrologer more than anyone in 45's administration.

They’re going to dangle LGB legitimacy as the carrot, and use Trans folks as an example to keep cis LGB folks in line as he slowly exterminates us.

Jeez.. How much did his dad beat him as a kid?

As long as he only targets trans people, cis gays will be mostly silent.

He’s going to try to get cis LGB to fight the T folks; get us all up against each other, then use the conflict to justify actions against all of us.

Trump’s TV is 10 minutes behind because the team pre-censors content for him, then beams it to his TVs after editing.

40 and 2 months is 1260 days. 1260 days after the inauguration is July 4th, 2020. That’s when the antichrist will go to Jerusalem and declare himself god.

Read “The Origins of Totalitarianism” by Hannah Arendt. It’s long, but pretty much every paragraph echoes forward into Trumpism.

Holy shit he’s going to start a nuclear war to cool the earth, then warm it again with coal.

He’s just the blood bag. Bannon’s gonna die historic on the Fury Road!

Yes; we bullshit artists can smell our own.

“Vested 25% at 3 years, 50% at 6 years, and 100% at 9 years?!”

I just realized... the only person Daffy Duck would marry is another Daffy Duck. They hate each other because they are so similar.

The argument is that Phil always had two or three of the greatest players in the game when he won. Winning a championship without two or three GOATs is harder... How about Larry Brown in 2004? Jack Ramsay in 1977? Rick Carlisle in 2009?