
Good advice is not sexism IMO

Whoa, that's so cool. NOT!!

This is a sports blog.

What does this have to do with spots

It wouldn't surprise me if you did indeed cry. Most women are unstable and can't control their emotions. Stop watching this garbage crap.

Wow, could you cry any more?

Transgenderism is a mental illness.

Wiener was an incredible politician, exactly the person the Democratic Party needed. He wasn’t afraid to call republicans out on their bullshit. It’s a shame he is blackballed for life because a bunch of women took offense to a few harmless photos.

No clever pun here. Just your daily reminder that Tom Brady is and always will be a cheater.

She ugly af

My last tweet will be Go cardinals eat shit deadspin

Sorry, but a gold medal will never erase 7-1. Oh man, that game was truly hilarious

That's just bizarre. What man would be ok living in a different place than his wife. It makes zero sense

Haha. You will die alone then

You sound like the crazy cat lady. Yikes.

This is why people don't take women's sports seriously

She's a man

She is actually a he most likely

That's because those are men. Girls should not look like that.

WTF lol she looks like the bitch from Matilda. Yikes she's hideous