
As a saint Louis fan, this makes me happy. Fuck you kroenke. This is what you wanted you fuck

She's a drunken trailer trash redneck, probably borderline retarded. Just look at her and it's obvious what kind of person she is

Her tone is that of a drunken inbred trailer thrash hillbilly.

More like the drunken ramblings of a mentally retarded trailer trash hillbilly

She wasn't in shock. She is trailer trash, borderline retarded.

Fucking ungrateful trailer trash bitch

Women who breastfeed in public are fucking disgusting

What a fucking vagina.

Shut up

Yeah fucking right. Get back to your shift at McDonald's

You sound like a butthurt bitch

She is on steroids


Duuuuurrrr durrrr cardinals hurrrrr. Fans of literally any other baseball team would have left at that point in the game too.

Swimming is not a sport

OH NO!!! Why must men always intrude on our fun?!?

One look at her irl would turn most men gay. Yuck

The song is fucking awful, that's really all anyone needs to know.

He deserves to die. That's all there is to it

I don’t get why women like these movies. Isn’t the goal of the feminist movement to make women seem as smart as men. If so, then why do all of the women act dumb as hell in movies like this one