
I have a ton of respect for Sherman. After that whole talking trash after the game affair, where everyone said he was a thug and a bad role model, I looked him up to see what he’s about. The guy is a straight up excellent role model. I’d be overjoyed if my kid looked up to him.

TheConcourse and Deadspin Together: Disgusting

Why is this millennial I'm smarter than you shit on Deadspin? Nothing sports related at all. At least Ashley is funny.

All I can say is thank CHRIST they penalized that one guy for jumping up and down after his team scored a touchdown. We need to keep that sort of behavior in check.

She was Ann Coulter when Ann Coulter was just a little boy.

Love that you've made this story about you.

Could you imagine if they’d done that and taken it in for 6?

Nike is currently developing a Tebow shoe that helps its wearers leave footprints in the sand.

Haha. You will die alone then

Perhaps you are worse then a Cardinal’s fan.

Things were downright woeful 10 years ago

I don’t get why women like these movies. Isn’t the goal of the feminist movement to make women seem as smart as men. If so, then why do all of the women act dumb as hell in movies like this one

Animated show? Wtf? Count me out