
Shut the fuck up

The cardinals are going to win the World Series

Fuck you

Sorry Hamilton. This isn't gawker. Nobody wants to read your posts. Go away

She’s probably eat all of your food

She’s gross and fat

Who cares. We will still win the World Series. 12 in 16

We are going to win the World Series.

Drew, you're articles are nothing but pure garbage

Fuck you

It's just a placebo effect. They could have injected sugar water and you still would have gotten better

Too much Botox ruin your face muscles or what

Also, if you are ugly, no amount of Botox can help you

Because most of the girls who get Botox are overweight and ugly af. Botox can only do so much and frankly they're better off just changing diet and exercise

Lol if you actually think Botox injections are the reason for less migraines. It's nothing more than a placebo effect

The placebo effect is strong with this one

Wow, if this was a man he would have already been murdered by feminists

Yes, fuck trump because he was a total dick in this story that you just made up. Fuck him.

I think I speak for everyone when I say Fucking Owned Bee Bitch!

Cry more you masshole little bitch